The fifth Fruitage of the Spirit
The lyrics in this song are “There was a reason why God brought the truth to you”
He Will Make You Strong
Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions?
The insect on Sofia’s pen
The 2020 Regional Convention theme
Always Rejoice
The Bible Book with the least amount of verses
3 John
Name this song from the first 5 Seconds
Song 138 Beauty in Gray-Headedness
The “Enjoy Life Forever-An Interactive Bible Course” is made up of this many sections.
This is the Title of the first Lesson in the Become Jehovah’s Friend series
Obey Your Parents
This two sentence chorus starts with “A sacred trust you have been given, a precious life is in your hands.“ Recite the next sentence in the chorus.
You can bestow the greatest favor; instruct your child in Gods commands.
In 2011 a pilot project for this form of the ministry was initiated in New York City, U.S.A.
Cart Witnessing/Public Witnessing
Sparlock the Warrior Wizard
The two new members of the governing body
Gage Fleegle, Jeffrey Winder
The Hebrew names of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah
Caleb broke this toy animal of Sofia in the Forgive Freely episode
Sofia makes friends with this elderly sister who unfortunately dies in a later episode
Sister Elsa