This Bible Character was the Son of his Best Friends enemy.
The first of its kind, creating a modern day scenario of what young people face in life focusing on a young sister Tara from Lucinda Falls.
"Young People ask-- How Can I Make Real Friends?"
The first of a two part volume, aimed towards a younger crowd currently facing adolescence.
"Questions that Young People ask- Answers That Work, Volume 1"
Found after Psalms but before Ecclesiastes
The book of proverbs Proverbs
What is this years date for the Memorial of Jesus death?
March 24, 2024
He gave it all up for a bowl of stew.
A Bible Times drama titled "O Jehovah... I trust in you." focuses on the story of this King facing the Assyrian army
King Hezekiah
Complete the title "Jesus-- the Way , the __ , the __"
Jesus-- the Way, the Truth, the Life
This small book consisting of only 1 chapter of 25 verses, is found BEFORE the final book of Revelation
The definition of the acronym L.D.C.?
Local Design Construction
The older cousin of Queen Esther
A 2023 modern times drama, reminding us of how preparation and following instructions might save our life.
"Commit Your Way to Jehovah"
This book is titled after an invitation made towards a rich young ruler.
"Come be My Follower"
Known as the 4 Gospels of the Bible. State them in order as found in the Bible
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Originally the wife of Nabal, "good in discretion and beautiful in form." Later married a King
Jesus regarded him as humanity's first martyr. A great example of proving that regardless of family, you can build your own relationship with Jehovah
How Liz met John, a modern times movie aimed to help those seeking a partner.
" What is true love?"
Our current Congregations Bible Study Publication.
"Bearing Thorough Witness" About Gods Kingdom
One of the only two books bearing a female name. Found after Nehemiah but before Job.
Who was struck down for touching the Ark of the Covenant?
This pagan princess became wife of King Ahab, endeavored to exterminate the worship of Jehovah from the land. Often times correlated with causing a male to fail or sin.
Queen Jezebel
This modern times drama, focuses on Andre and how an older friend helps him see how little accolades in the world matter
"Young people ask-- What Will I Do With My Life."
This 1998 Publications cover contains the famous Eagle Nebula "Pillars of Creation"
"Is There A Creator Who Cares About You"
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
Todays Daily Scripture?
"Whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." John 6:68