What scripture can be used to identify God's name in almost any Bible
Psalms 83:18
What song is this line from Just keep holding tight I'll help you in this fight
Fighting the fine fight of faith
Song 3: "our strength"
Our strength Our hope Our confidence
In what year was the be courageous regional convention
At what convention was the story of Jonah released
Be Courageous Regional Convention
Genesis 1:3
And God said let there be light then there was light
Name four places that were mentioned in "We're your Family"
1. Mali 2. Mexico 3. Japan 4. Jamaica 5. Fiji 6. Tahiti 7. New Caledonia 8. Azerbaijan 9. Kazakhstan 10. Estonia
Song 151 "He Will" and Song 38 "He Will"
1. He will call 2. He will make you strong
In what year did Christ Jesus begin his heavenly reign
What is Sophia's elderly friend's name
Sister Elsa
Revelation 21:4
and he will wipe every tear from the eye and death will be no more neither will morning nor outcry nor pain be anymore The former things have passed away
Whose life is depicted in the original song never alone
Song 148 "Jehovah Provides"
Jehovah provides Escape
What year was the "Don't Give Up" regional convention
In what video does Caleb learn how to act in field service
Be good in the ministry
Name at least 7 things that men will be in the last days as pointed out at 2nd Timothy 3:1-5
1. Love of themselves 2. lovers of money 3. boastful 4. howdy 5. blasphemers 5. disobedient to parents 6. unthankful 7. disloyal 8. having no natural affection 9. not open to any agreement 10. without self-control 11. fierce without love goodness 12. betrayers 13. headstrong 14. puffed up with pride 15.lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God 16. Having and appearance of godliness but proving false its power
What was her favorite song in the original song be Courageous and Strong
He will make you strong
Song 134 "Children"
Children are a trusting God
In what year did Jesus institute the memorial of his death
Title of the very first young people ask video
Young people acts how can I make real friends
What scripture can you find the fruitage of the Spirit
Galatians5: 22-23
Name the four obstacles that were overcoming Jehovah's always by your side
1. Smoking 2. loneliness and depression 3. fear of disappointing parents 4. peer pressure and a history of violence
Song 46 "Thank You"
We thank you Jehovah
In what year was the complete new world translation released
What was the profession of the wife in remember the wife of Lot
Real estate agent