Important Mountains
Who is this? (‘M’ Edition)
Greek Scriptures
Finish the lyrics

Another name for Mount Sinai.

What is Mount Horeb?

Jesus expelled 7 demons from this woman. This gave her much reason to put faith in him.

Who is Mary Magdalene?


These Greek scriptures were written by Peter in Babylon

What is 1st and 2nd Peter?


This is at last, bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh...

Now I’m not alone; God has provided a partner. Someone to call my own.


Where can I find this Prophesy?

And Babylon, the most glorious of kingdoms, The beauty and the pride of the Chal·deʹans, Will be like Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah when God overthrew them.

Isaiah 13:19


The name of the Jebusite fortress city of Jebus that was on the southeast hill of Jerusalem. After David captured it, he built his royal residence there, and it came to be called “the City of David.”

What is Mount Zion?


This man lived for 969 years.

Who is Methuselah?


These four Greek scriptures are known as ‘The Gospels’

What are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?


Life depends on Jehovah’s word, all the things He has said...

We must live not on bread alone. Live by His word instead.


Who said these words?

And look! you will become pregnant* and give birth to a son, a and you are to name him Jesus. 32 This one will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, 33 and he will rule as King over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end

Who is Gabriel?


Along the eastern side of Jerusalem stretches a chain of rounded limestone hills. Anciently this ridge was covered with a particular type of tree which influenced its name.

What is Mount of Olives?


Moses’ older sister

Who is Miriam?


This Greek Scripture begins like this,

 “Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of God’s chosen ones and the accurate knowledge of the truth that is according to godly devotion  and is based on a hope of the everlasting life that God, who cannot lie, promised long ago”

What is the book of Titus?


Look around us now, see the love on each face, out there in the world hard to find...

All these faithful friends, with the love they all show, glad to leave that old world behind.


In what book is this prophecy recorded and who said it?

“But after you another kingdom will rise, inferior to you; then another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.   “As for the fourth kingdom, it will be strong like iron. For just as iron crushes and pulverizes everything else, yes, like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter all of these.

What is the book of Daniel?

Who is Daniel?


This mountain is snowcapped nearly the year around. Its snowy top might be said to resemble an old man’s crown of white hair. In ancient times, this mountain was known to the Sidonians as “Sirion” and to the Amorites as “Senir.”

What is Mount Hermon?

a “divinely beautiful” child, was spared from Pharaoh’s genocidal decree commanding the destruction of every newborn Hebrew male.

Who is Moses?


First John has 5 chapters, which chapter begins like this,

“My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not commit a sin. And yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one”

What is Chapter 2?


Father for me the time has now come, fulfilling the words that were said by your son...

“If they’ve persecuted me then they’ll do it to you” it’s not a surprise, really nothing that’s new.


In what book was this prophecy written and who wrote it?

“ I will devote them to destruction and make them an object of horror and something to whistle at and a perpetual ruin.”

What is the book of Jeremiah?

Who is Jeremiah?


Fill in the blank

“Now the Phi·lisʹtines were fighting against Israel. And the men of Israel fled from before the Phi·lisʹtines, and many fell slain on ________”

What is Mount Gilboa?


One of King Saul’s two sons by Rizpah the daughter of Aiah. He was among the seven descendants of Saul that David gave to the Gibeonites to atone for Saul’s attempt to annihilate them.

Who is Mephibosheth?


The book of Jude has only one Chapter but how many verses does this chapter have?

What is 25 verses?


The greatest of men was our lord Jesus Christ; By pride or ambition he was not enticed.

God’s purpose gave Jesus the prominent role. Yet lowly in heart, he was always whole-souled.


What was this prophecy about and who wrote it?

He prophesied from the end of the seventh century B.C.E. on into the sixth—that is, during the years leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and then during the first decades of the Jews’ exile in Babylon.”

What is “The fate of Tyre”?

Who is Ezekiel?
