Noah's three sons
Who are Shem, Ham, and Japheth
The person that led the Israelites into Canaan.
Who is Joshua
"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah you alone are the Most High over all the earth."
What is Psalms 83:18
What is Armageddon?
This means the War of the great day of Jehovah!
Paul used this to illustrate the extent to which Scriptural truth should influence our lives. It should be tightly wrapped around us, as it were, so that we live in harmony with the truth and can defend it on any occasion
What is the BELT of Truth
Noah sent out these two birds to see if the water had receded from the earth.
What is a raven and a dove
He was the angelic representative that Jehovah sent to reassure Joshua and help him lead the nation.
Who is Jesus Christ
"All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for...
What is teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness." 2 timothy 3:16
What were the names of Timothy’s mother and grandmother?
Eunice and Lois
This Piece protected a vital organ, the heart. Our figurative heart—the person we are on the inside—needs special protection because it is inclined toward what is wrong.
What is the Breastplate of Righteousness
A faithful king of Israel who reopened God’s temple, his father was the evil King Ahaz.
Who is King Hezekiah
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.”
What is Hebrews 13:8
The first half of James 4:8
1.What is "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”
What is a Concubine?
A secondary wife who was often a slave girl.
Paul appropriately used this to represent our readiness to preach the Kingdom message to everyone who will listen.
What are your feet (sandals) shod in readiness to declare the good news
He wrote the first five books of the Bible.
Who is Moses.
When dissension broke out in Antioch about the circumcision issue, this apostle took matters to the Governing Body in Jerusalem and humbly complied with the orders he was given.
Who is the apostle Paul.
"Through one man sin...
What is “entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned." Romans 5:12
Who betrayed Samson?
Did Samson have strong faith in Jehovah?
This was large enough to cover most of the body. It would provide protection from the “burning missiles” referred to at Ephesians 6:16
What is the Large Shield of Faith
An expression that appears twice in the Bible, is a symbolic city that represents the group of Jesus’ followers who go to heaven to rule with him in God’s Kingdom
What is New Jerusalem
What did you take away from yesterday’s watchtower study?
**If answered correctly, both teams have a chance at 500 points**
Even when we don’t understand the instructions given by the Governing Body, we humbly submit to their direction.
What is today’s daily text?
“Each one will carry his own load”
Gal. 6:15
What new name did an angel give Jacob?
Our Christian hope is compared to this because it protects our mind.
What is our sword of the spirit?
What is the Helmet of Salvation
God’s Word, the Bible