How Many publishers do we have?
1. What is 34
Who is our Youngest Regular Pioneer?
What is Taylor Padasdao
This means the war of the great day of God the Almighty!
What is Armageddon
The year when we entered into the last days and when satan and his angels was cast down to the earth.
What is 1914
How many Sisters and how many Brothers?
1. What is 21 Sisters and 13 Brothers
How many Brothers and how many sisters?
What is 5 Brothers and 9 sisters
A Canaanite god regarded as the owner of the sky and giver of rains and fertility.
What is Baal
The year when we first got the name "Jehovah's Wittnesses.
What is 1931
How Many Congregations are using the Paradise Park Kingdom Hall and what are the name of the Congregations?
What is 3 and Paradise Park, Pahoa and Kilauea Tagalog.
How many couples are Regular Pioneer?
What is 3
Recite James 4:8 word for word
1.What is "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones,"
A secondary wife who was often a slave girl.
1.What is Concubine
Where are The three Bethel Complexes Located?
What is Warwick, Wallkill and Patterson.
what the exact Address of Paradise Park Kingdom Hall?
What is 15-1517 Paradise Dr Keaau HI 96749
Who are the 2 Ministerial Servants Regular Pioneer?
What is Jase Preston and Jayfloyd Ocon
(Finish this scripture): "Through one man sin...
What is: entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned." Romans 5:12
The World Empire of False Religion?
1.What is Babylon the great
The three Schools that is provided for Pioneers(Bethelites and Field Missionaries)?
What is Pioneer Service school, School for kingdom Evangelizers, Watchtower Bible school of Gilead
Who are the COBE's of the 3 Congregations
What is Robert Lamb, Michael Brown and Romel Balbag.
The Regular pioneers that were born and baptized at the same year?
What is Joaquin and Metalia Navalta
Name the Pentateuch and Gospel books of the Bible?
What is Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Matthew, Mark John and Luke.
The use of power that is acknowldged to be from wicked spirits.
What is Sorcery
All 8 of the Governing body members that are still alive
What is Brother Stephen Lett, Brother Samuel Herd, Brothe David Splane Brother Garrett Losch, Brother Geoffery Jackson, Brother Anthony Morris, Brother Mark Sanderson and Brother Kenneth Cook jr.