"Pressure Zone"
Praise Jehovah as long as you live... name 3
Children, Teenagers, and Adults
Love Ourselves = Loving Others
Feeding Ourselves = Teaching Others
Quality/ Pure Food = ______________________
Teaching from Jehovah's Word, The Bible
Name of the JW Super Hero?
The 3 keys on the 'Showing Love to Jehovah' Keyring..
Exclusive Devotion, Hate Bad & Love Good, Slave for Jehovah
Jet Ski and Scuba Diving
Reading/ Skimming the words vs Meditating on our study
Love _________ a ___________ of sins
Covers, Multitude
Love Ourselves = Loving Others
Feeding ourselves = Teaching Others
Timely Meals = ___________________
Follow Up
The Villian we battle (Traits, at least 3)
Partiality, Nationalism, Racism, Egotism, and More
He said the easier term for Slave
Tight Rope Across Niagara
Trusting in Jehovah. Trust is easier talked about then shown. Are we showing it.
Love your __________ ________ as yourself
Fellow Man
Love Ourselves = Loving Others
Feeding Ourselves = Teaching Others
Tasty Food = __________________
How we deliver the truth to ones
Jehovah isn't like a human Judge..
He's not to lenient or too strict. He's a perfect judge and fair
Make your resolve.
Along the side of Psalms 101: 1-8
"I will" and "I will not"
Ship and Ship Wreck
Technology can be used for good but can also turn into a bad thing if we allow it.
This is _______ the ______ of ______ _______
What, love, God, Means
Love Ourselves = Loving Others
Feeding Others = Teaching Others
Steak Today, Chicken Tomorrow =_______________
Teach using different methods and Tools (JW.org, Our Videos, etc)
Places to Forgive (3)
In the Ministry
In the Congregation
In the Family
Jehovah requires your full heart. Like some math.
Prime Numbers
Man with car broken down.. "Idiot"
People Problem vs Situation problem. When we see a man with a flat tire we don't think "Idiot".. but instead we have pity. We should be have sympathy for our loved ones the same way. Its not them, its the situation.
Title of the week's watchtower topic
How Holy Spirit Helps Us
Love Ourselves = Loving Others
Feeding Ourselves = Teaching Others
Avoid Food Poison = ____________________
Pay attention to their spiritual health. False Religion confuses many
Types of Sin
Serious Sin and Transgression ("Petty Sin")
You are special to Jehovah
(What scripture)
1 Pet 2:9