Noah's three sons...
What is Shem, Ham, Ja'pheth
This person with long hair had super strength until his hair was cut
This means the war of the great day of God the Almighty!
What is Armageddon
they are, love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control
What is the Fruitage of the Spirit
Noah sent out these two birds to see if the water had receded from the earth.
What is raven and dove
He was given the ability to be super smart!
Who is King Solomon
A Canaanite god regarded as the owner of the sky and giver of rains and fertility.
What is Baal
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come...
What is Jesus model prayer
Built with it's top in the heavens.
What is Tower of Babel
A little boy who was able to kill the biggest enemy of Jehovah’s people at that time, without the help of any other human
A secondary wife who was often a slave girl.
What is Concubine
For this reason, we call the Kingdom Hall the Kingdom Hall and not a church
In the Bible, the Greek term that is sometimes translated “church” refers to a group of worshipers, not to the building they meet in.
Was given the power to heal people, to walk on water, and to expel demons
The current state of affairs that distinguish a certain period of time.
What is the System of things?
This is the complete spiritual suit of armor (Ephesians 6:11-18)
What is the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes of readiness to declare the good news of peace, the large shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit
He ran as fast as a car (about 40mph) in order to outrun a chariot!
Elijah (1 kings 18:46)
Also called the Festival of Tabernacles, or the Festival of Ingathering. It celebrated the harvest at the end of the agricultural year for Israel and was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for Jehovah’s blessings on their crops.
What is the Festival of Booths.
Name at least FOUR members of the Governing Body
Who are Kenneth Cook, Jr., Samuel Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, Stephen Lett, Gerrit Lösch, Anthony Morris III, Mark Sanderson, and David Splane.