The year when Satan and the Demons were cast out from the heavens
Jesus Christ earthy father name and his profession
Joseph the carpenter
The brothers who take the lead in the congregation
Elders and ministerial servants
How long was Jesus dead for after his execution
3 days
What did Jesus tell the man that was hanging next to him at the time of his death
Luke 23:42,43 , Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise
These three words will set off the Great Tribulation
Peace and Security
The place where Satan will be sent to after Armageddon
The name of the city Jonah the was sent to give a warning
Name all of the fruit ages of the Holy Spirit
Love joy peace patience kindness goodness faith mildness self control
The name of the message we will have to proclaim in the near future to let the world know the end has arrived
Hailstone message
In how many countries and lands are Jehovah’s people doing the preaching work
What was the final plague Jehovah struck Egypt with before pharaoh let the Israelites go
Death of all firstborn
(Finish this scripture): "For God loved the world so much that
What is: he gave his only begotten son so that everyone exercising faith in him munger now be destroyed but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
The anointed a referred to as this term to illustrate the close relationship they have with Jehovah
The first prophecy recorded in the Bible
Genesis 3:15
What was Jesus first miracle
Turning water into wine
Do not be amazed at this for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out those who did good things to a resurrection of life and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of of judgement
John 5:28,29
Name the first High Priest and the current high priest
Aaron and Jesus
The name of our last international convention
Love never fails