Myth Vs. Bible Truth
Jesus Apostles
Become Jehovah's Friend
Revelation 6

Many ancient peoples believed that the world was a flat disk supported by a giant or an animal, such as a buffalo or a turtle.

The earth is suspended in empty space. (Job 26:7)


The Colors in the rainbow IN SQEUENCE

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (Gen. 9:8-16)


Hebrew "Symeon," the Greek "Simon" (from a Heb. root meaning “hear; listen”), its Semitic equivalent "Cephas" (perhaps related to the Heb. ke·phimʹ [rocks] used at Job 30:6; Jer 4:29



I know Jehovah cares for me
He cares for others too
And so I want to pray for them
'Cause they need help like I do

Pray for Others


"The one seated upon it had the name Death. And Hades [the grave] was closely following him."

A sickly-looking "pale horse," - Revelation 6:1-8.


One of the Egyptian remedies in use when these commands were given called for applying to an open wound a mixture that included human excrement.

Sanitary practices protect health. The Law given to the nation of Israel included regulations for washing after touching a dead body, quarantining those with infectious disease, and disposing of human waste safely. (Leviticus 11:28; 13:1-5; Deuteronomy 23:13)


The pentateuch

This term comes from a Greek word (pentateukhos) meaning “Five Rolls” or “Five Volumes” and refers to the first five books of the Bible—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


Boanerges: A Semitic expression found, with its translation, only at Mark 3:17. Jesus gave it as a surname to these two, likely reflecting the fiery enthusiasm of these two apostles. (Lu 9:54) 

The sons of Zebedee, James and John


She had courage; she was brave.
She took a stand for Jehovah. I want to do the same.

Esther Had Courage


" it was granted to the one seated on it to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another, and he was given a great sword."

A fiery-colored horse - Revelation 6:4


Several myths say that the mountains were created in their current form by the gods.

The mountains rise and fall, and today’s mountains were once under the ocean. (Psalm 104:6, 8)


Philemon, Titus, James, Hebrews

Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James


The beloved physician," also traveled with Paul. (Col. 4:14; Acts 16:10-12; 20:5, 6)



I know him by his name, he knows my name too.
He Loves me, and I love him, 'Cause that's the way friends do.

Jehovah Is My Best Friend


He carried a pair of scales with which to measure out basic food supplies at inflated prices.

A black horse - Revelation 6:5


Many ancient myths describe the universe, not as being created, but as being organized from existing chaos.

The universe had a beginning. (Genesis 1:1)


sects, dissensions, drunkenness, envy, divisions

dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness


Was slow to be convinced (Joh 20:24, 25);



We can talk to each other
We can talk to Jehovah
We know he cares a lot for me and you

This Is My Family


The one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest.

The White Horse - Revelation 6:2


Myths from around the world teach that humans are helpless before the unpredictable and sometimes merciless acts of the gods.

The universe is governed day-to-day by rational natural laws, not by the whims of deities. (Job 38:33; Jeremiah 33:25)


Historic Conventions:
 "Behold! The great multitude!"
 "Advertise Advertise The King and His Kingdom"
 Adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses"

1) "Advertise Advertise The King and His Kingdom" (September 5-13, 1922)
2) Adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" (Columbus, Ohio, July 24-30, 1931)
3) "Behold! The great multitude!" (May 30 to June 3, 1935)


Philip, after responding to Jesus’ call "Be my follower," immediately looked up his friend and invited him to "come and see" the Messiah. Nathanael asked, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" but then responded to the invitation.

Nathanael (or BARTHOLOMEW)


I can sing and I can answer
And help clean the Kingdom Hall
I'll visit with the older ones -
Get to know and love them all

The Next Big Things for Me


How many seals were there in Revelation 6?

Seven seals - Revelation 6:1
