The main theme of Jesus Ministry.
God's Kingdom ( Matt 9:35)
First person to be deceived
Eve (Gen. 3:1-5)
This is whos things you pay back to him
C as in Ceasar
It was Jesus' first miracle.
Water into wine. John 2:9
This city is the birth place of christ
Because as a human Jesus uniquely was this, no deception was found in his mouth.
Sinless/Perfect (1Peter 2:22)
Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
Paul is the writer of this pair of bible books
C as in Corinthians
They died because they offered illegitimate fire while apparently having too much to drink.
Nadab and Abihu. Lev 10:1
The city where shadrach, meshach, and aednego were pitched into a furnace
This is the year Satan was thrown out of heaven and Jesus became our rightful king.
1914 (Rev 12:7-10)
Jael. (Judges 4:21, 22)
First name of the founder of the JWs
C as in Charles
It was traded for a birthright
Lentil Stew. Gen 25:34
This country is the birth place of a chariot riding eunuch, who was baptized by philip
When Jesus ministry brings him to his hometown called this______________, his childhood aquaintances recognize him. "Is this not the carpenter's son?" they ask. "Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?"
Nazareth (Matt 13:55,56)
Rebekah's nurse
Deborah. (Gen. 24:59)
You make Decisions regarding fractions from blood cells with
C as in Conscience
This statement lead to the most famous informal witness even though the recipient wasn't even supposed to receive it according to local customs
"Give me a drink" John 4:7
This city had a shrine to an "unknown" God
When entering Damascus, after blinding this Roman citizen, Jesus asked him "why are you persecuting me?" (His name at this time, not after he became Christian).
Saul (Acts 9:3-5)
A queen of Ethiopia whose treasurer became a Christian.
Candace. (Acts 8:27).
Every verse of Psalm 119 starts with this Greek Letter that is the 8th of the Hebrew alphabet
C as in CHEHTH
According to Jesus the anointed have no life unless they drink this.
His Blood. John 6:53
This city was home to the congregation jesus warned in revelation that he would vomit out of his mouth because of their lukewarm spirit