Jesus' human mother
who is mary?
this animal lives in a coop on a farm
what is a chicken
this one is Jesus' human mother
who is mary
who is Jehovahs son?
who is Jesus
this one is mean but really tiny
what is a chi
who built the ark?
who is noah?
this animal makes something you eat for breakfast
what is a pig
this one disobeyed jehovah
who is eve?
this character was killed by his brother
who is Abel?
This one is fluffy
What is a Pomeranian
who led the exodus from egypt?
Who is moses?
this animal lives underwater in the deep sea
What is a shark
this one is in spanish class and kids zoom but also her name is in the bible
who is Abigail
This person got his head cut off for a birthday
who is john the baptizer
This one has long ears
What is a hound dog
who was the first person to eat from the tree that Jehovah said not to eat from?
Who is eve?
this animal is also known for the main character in a movie called finding nemo
what is a clown fish
this was abrahams half sister and wife and mother of issac
who is sarah?
this is abrahams son
who is issac
This one helps police find stuff
What is a German shepherd
who was the very first human on earth?
who is adam?
this animal lives in a stable
what is a horse
This person cared for her mother in law
who is ruth?
this person kiled goliath when he was little
who is david
This one is pretty big!
What is a pitbull