What was the title of the 2024 Convention original song?
"Good news!"
What was worn in times of crisis or upon hearing calamitous news?
Sackcloth is a coarse garment often worn by the prophets, sometimes in conjunction with a warning message. It is also worn in times of crisis or upon hearing calamitous news
How old was David when he first fought Goliath?
What is the article on the opening page of JW.ORG as of today (2/17/25)?
"Are Bible standards outdated?"
Jehovah names the garden of Eden. What is the meaning of Eden?
“Eden” meaning pleasure.
How many chapters are in the book of Daniel?
12 Chapters
What are the 2 most important messages we are declaring and going to declare?
The good news and the end is near.
Many of Mary, the mother of Jesus, expressions echo words of another person in the Bible? Who?
Many of her expressions echo words of the prayer of Hannah, Samuel’s mother, who also received a blessing from Jehovah in the matter of childbirth.
What is the newest series that was featured in the broadcast that has to do with lessons from peoples lives?
Imitate their faith
With good reason, how long do we believe that each day of creation lasted?
The days of creation were each 7,000 years long.
We find the seventh “day” of the creative week to be seven thousand years long. On the basis of the length of the seventh “day” it is therefore reasonable to conclude that each of the other six “days” also was a period of 7,000 years. This length of time would be ample for all that the Bible tells us took place on each of the six days of creation.
Where in the Bible is one long song divided in 8 chapters?
Song of Solomon. It is not a collection of songs, but is one song, though usually divided into eight chapters. It was written by King Solomon after he had built the wonderful temple to Jehovah God at Jerusalem and after he had married.
How many times does the word “Armageddon” occur in the Bible?
"Armageddon" occurs only once in the Bible, at Revelation 16:16.
Who was called "the Evangelist prophet,”?
Because of how outstanding in the book of Isaiah are the Messianic prophecies, Isaiah has been called “the Evangelist prophet,”. So numerous are the predictions fulfilled in the events of Jesus’ life.
What is the series named after a proverb from the Bible that means people can improve each other through interaction and feedback?
“Iron sharpens iron”
Who was the first king ever to represent Jehovah?
What happened in The Song of Solomon’s Frustrated Love?
A poetic book of the Hebrew Scriptures that tells of the unswerving love of a Shulammite girl (a country girl from Shunem, or Shulem) for a shepherd boy and King Solomon’s unsuccessful attempt to capture her love. Her love for her dear one, the shepherd, held true and the king lost out. It could therefore be rightly called The Song of Solomon’s Frustrated Love.
Name 3 of the most popular scriptures JW's know.
Rev 21:3,4
Psalm 83:18
Matthew 24:14
How many eyewitness accounts of resurrections are in the Bible?
Name the 5 tabs on the app in order.
Home, Bible, Library, Meetings, Personal Study
True or false?
When resurrected, a person receives exactly the same body that he had before he died.
False! After death, a person’s body would likely have broken down and disintegrated.—Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20.
Jehovah is going to recreate the person by using his perfect memory. On a new body!!
What is the origin and meaning of the word “Bible?
It is derived from the Greek word bi·bliʹa, which means “little books.” This, in turn, is derived from biʹblos, a word describing the inner part of the papyrus plant from which, in ancient times, a “paper” for writing was produced. Various written communications upon this type of material became known by the word bi·bliʹa. Thus, bi·bliʹa came to describe any writings, scrolls, books, documents, or scriptures or even a library collection of little books.
What year did the proclaiming of the good news of the kingdom begin?
The proclaiming of the good news of the kingdom began in the first century of our common era. It was taken up by Jesus Christ, and his followers were instructed to engage in it. “As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”’ (Matt. 10:7; 4:12-17) Although the kingdom of God was not yet established at that time, the message was appropriate and the Kingdom could be said to be near because its anointed King, Jesus Christ, was present. He represented it.
Fill in the Blanks.
And Mary said: “My soul _______ Jehovah, and my spirit cannot keep from being ________ at God my Savior, because he has looked upon the low position of his ___________. For look! from now on all generations will declare me _________.
And Mary said: “My soul magnifies Jehovah, and my spirit cannot keep from being overjoyed at God my Savior, because he has looked upon the low position of his slave girl. For look! from now on all generations will declare me happy
Name 5 things from the teaching toolbox.
Look at app.
In 607 B.C.E. Jerusalem is destroyed and the nation is taken into exile. However, God’s chosen people will not stay in Babylon forever. Jehovah foretells how he will open the way for their return home.
Jehovah now says: “I myself have issued the command to my sanctified ones. I have also called my mighty ones for expressing my anger, my eminently exultant ones. Listen! A crowd in the mountains, something like a numerous people! Listen! The uproar of kingdoms, of nations gathered together! Jehovah of armies is mustering the army of war.” (Isaiah 13:3, 4)
Who are these “sanctified ones” appointed to bring down haughty Babylon? In what sense are they sanctified?
They are combined national armies, “nations gathered together.” They descend against Babylon from a distant mountainous region."
Sanctified, certainly not in the sense of being holy. They are pagan armies with no interest in serving Jehovah. However, in the Hebrew Scriptures, “sanctified” means “set apart for use by God.” Jehovah can sanctify the armies of the nations and use their selfish ambitions in order to express his anger. He used Assyria in this way. He will use Babylon similarly. (Isaiah 10:5; Jeremiah 25:9) And he will use other nations to punish Babylon.