What are cats, lions, tigers
What is another word for color?
Name three colors
Blue, White, Red, Yellow, etc.
Name three types of actions:
Walking, reading, talking, etc.
Name three family members:
Mother, father, grandmother, etc.
What are dogs, wolves, foxes
Canines or Canids
What is another word for cold?
Name three foods that
Meat, pickles, etc.
Name three types of words:
Nouns, verbs, adjectives.
Name three countries:
the United states, Canada, Mexico
What are buildings?
What is another word for warm weather?
Name three animals
Cats, dogs, horses, cows, etc.
Name three kinds of weather.
Raining, snowing, sunny.
Name three types of insects:
spider, fly, flea, etc.
What do we call places that animals and peoples live?
What is the season that is the opposite of winter?
Name three places.
School, grocery store, etc.
Name three cities
Detroit, New York, Boston, etc.
Name three reptiles
Snake, turtle, alligator
What do we call a person who only eats plants?
What is the season opposite of Spring?
Name three pieces of furniture.
Name three states.
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, etc.
Name three types of sports
Football, basketball, baseball, etc.