Pandemic Fatigue
What Does the Bible Say About Christmas?
Science and the Bible
Original Songs

Name the Bible verse cited that could help with pandemic fatigue. (It is also the year text for 2021.)

Isaiah 30:15: "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust."


The Bible does not give a specific date for the birth of Jesus Christ. Is this statement true or false?

True. While the Bible does not directly answer the question, 'When was Jesus born?' it does describe two events surrounding his birth that lead many to conclude that he was born on December 25.


Does Science Agree With the Bible?

The earth is suspended in empty. Name the scriptures that supports the Bible's answer.

Job 26:7 - "He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing;"


First song in the collection of songs based on appreciation for our spiritual heritage.

Name the Original Song

The Best Life Ever


Global News

When was the first 2020 Governing Body Update and which Governing Body member shared encouraging Scriptural comments and interviewed brothers from Korea, Italy, and the United States?

2020 Governing Body Update #1 - March 18, 2020 - M. Stephen Lett


What are some common signs of pandemic fatigue? Name one.

Lack of motivation; changes in eating or sleeping habits; irritability; stress over tasks that would normally be handled well; difficulty concentrating; feelings of hopelessness


The King James Version refers to the visitors who went to see Jesus after his birth as "wise men." But, at Matthew 2:1, what does it not say?

The King James Version refers to these visitors as "wise men," but it does not say that there were three of them.


Does Science Agree With the Bible?

Rivers and springs are fed by water that has evaporated from the oceans and other sources and then has fallen back to earth as rain, snow or hail. 

Name one scripture that provides the Bible's answer.

Job 36:27,28 - 27He draws up the dops of water; They condense into rain from his mist; 28 Then the clouds pour it down; They shower down upon mankind.

Ecclesiastes 1:7; Isaiah 55:10; Amos 9:6


Make wise decisions to win the race for life. 

Name the Song and...Sing the Chorus (Bonus).

Run the Race


So let's Run the race; run the race. Run the race for life. Let's run the race; yes, run the race. Keep your eye on the prize. Let's run the race; run the race. You've got to keep on going—Got to keep on moving. Let's run the race. Let's run the race. 


Legal Resources

Name one of the downloadable information packets that contains key issues of interest to government officials and human rights and legal communities.

Who are Jehovah's Witnesses?; Benefits of Publications of Jehovah's Witnesses; Jehovah's Witnesses and the Community; Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Public Ministry; Family Life; Frequently Asked Questions; Medical Care; Conscientious Objection to Military Service; Political Neutrality; Recognition in the European Union; Assembling Together for Worship; "Jehovah's Witnesses of Moscow v. Russia"; Jehovah's Witnesses' Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection


What Bible principle can help you to beat pandemic fatigue? Stay at a distance physically - but not socially. Name the scripture.

What the Bible says: "A true born for times of distress." - Proverbs 17:17


Gift-giving, feasting, partying: Which Roman feast was the celebration derived from?

What is Saturnalia? This festival honoring the Roman god of agriculture took place on December 17-24.


Are there scientific errors in the Bible?

The Bible says that vegetation was created before the sun existed to support photosynthesis. - Genesis 1:11,16

Myth or Fact?


Fact - The Bible shows that the sun, one of the stars that make up "the heavens," was created before vegetation. (Genesis 1:1) Diffused light from the sun reached the earth's surface during the first "day," or epoch, of creation. As the atmosphere cleared, by the third "day" of creation, the light was strong enough to support photosynthesis. (Genesis 1:3-5, 12, 13) Only later did the sun become distinctly visible from the surface of the earth. (Genesis 1:16)


'Cause he gave me ____ when I was feeling weak, _____ when I could not speak, ______in my darkest night,"

Fill in the Blank and Name the Original Song.

Courage; Jehovah's Always by Our Side


Legal Developments

Jehovah's Witnesses Imprisoned for Their Faith—Tajikistan 

Name the two brothers imprisoned.

Shamil Khakimov - 69 y/o;  Term: 5.3 years; Reason: Religious activity

Rustamjon Norov - 23 y/o; Term: Detained since 10/01/2020; Reason: conscientious objection

Under the principle to stick to a routine, finish the quote.
"I like to get up and make my breakfast and coffee as usual. _____

"Then I get ready and fix myself up as if I were leaving the house. This has helped me to feel good about myself and to be more alert throughout the day." -  Carmel, France.


Christmas lights: According to The Encyclopedia of Religion, why did Europeans decorate their homes "with lights and evergreens of all kinds?"

According to The Encyclopedia of Religion, Europeans decorated their homes "with lights and evergreens of all kinds" to celebrate the winter solstice and to combat evil spirits.


Outdated or Ahead of Its Time?

In the 19th century, scientists formulated the concept of entropy. It suggests that all matter tends to decay. 

Are the physical heavens subject to decay?

Yes. The Bible says about heaven and earth: "Just like a garment they will all wear out." (Psalm 102:25,26)

The Bible teaches that God could choose to prevent such decay from destroying His creations. - Ecclesiastes 1:4


"Like a tree planted in the ground, Your words have sunk deep down Into my heart and soothed my mind with gentle thoughts of peace. 'Cause no matter what may come, With this wisdom from above, I always have these truths to keep reminding me to"

Name the Original Song.

Confident in You


JW News

A Spiritual Lifeline for Inmates Despite Lockdown

In Vacaville, California, what content was provided for the closed-circuit television network that serves all 33 prisons in the state of California.

This resulted in the 2020 "Always Rejoice"! Convention being shown three times each day in 28-minute segments to a potential audience of 130,000.

Brother Seierstad says: "It's amazing to see Jehovah's hand. When he wants something done, nothing can stop him!"


Bible Verse to Help with Pandemic Fatigue - Meaning: Heed health precautions, and do no be quick to believe that such restrictions are unnecessary. Name the scripture.

Proverbs 14:15: "The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step."


Christmas tree: Name one detail about the Pre-Christian origin of the Christmas tree.

The Encyclopædia Britannica states regarding the Christmas tree: “Tree worship was common among the pagan Europeans and survived their conversion to Christianity.” It did so in various rites and customs, including “the custom . . . of placing a Yule tree at an entrance or inside the house during the midwinter holidays.” 

Understandably, a tree that stays permanently green, or “alive,” when other trees seemingly die in cold weather must have been somewhat of a mystery.

Today the Christmas tree is recognized all over the world, and the demand for countless millions of natural and artificial Christmas trees seems endless.


Creative Power

Jehovah has stopped exercising his creative power. - Genesis 2:2

True or False. Explain

True, when simply referring to the cessation of his work of physical creation respecting the earth. 

When Jehovah's rest day finally comes to an end, he will be able to pronounce all of his work on the earth "very good," much as he did at the end of the six creative days. How he may choose to exercise his limitless creative power thereafter remains to be seen. In any event, we may be assured that we will continue to be fascinated by Jehovah's use of creative power. Throughout eternity, we will learn more about Jehovah through his creation. (cl chap. 5 pp.47-56)


"But to have your love forever"

Name the Original Song and...Sing the Chorus

Our Joy Eternally


There is joy in your creation, In the message of salvation, And the Paradise to come. But to have your love forever Is a real and lasting treasure. You alone will prove to be Our joy eternally.


2020 Governing Body Update #9

Which member of the Governing Body explains why we need to remain cautious and how to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19 and what are the three points for us to remember?

M. Stephen Lett

1. Place a high value on life (Eccl. 7:12)

2. Listen to the authorities (Rom. 13:1,2)

3. Do not develop a casual attitude (Prov. 22:3)
