About J@X_Gamer
When was Jacob (J@X_Gamer) born in?
January 4, 2012
What kind of animations did J@X_Gamer first used?
Roblox Animations
True or False: J@X_Gamer used Tik Tok
What were his first interests as a child?
Making comic books and becoming an author.
What was the the first series called?
Inside The Cube
When did he start making videos with his channel?
June 25, 2024
What was the second series called?
Erm What The Sigma
Where was J@X_Gamer first born in?
Austin, TX
True or False: J@X_Gamer used Facebook
What was J@X_Gamer Broken (Corrupted) form?
What names were the two people that joined J@X_Gamer's channel?
Asomi and Kami
True or False: J@X_Gamer used Youtube