K12 Vocab
Higher Ed Vocab
Hodge Podge
This is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals.
What is the Naviance?
Known as "the great equalizer", this includes methods such as storytelling, lecture, discussion, training, reading, directed research to appeal to visual, auditory, read-write, and kinesthetic learners.
What is education?
The person in a school system who is like the CEO?
Who is the superintendent? (In a school it would be the Head of School or Principal)
A course of study that offers a 2-year degree.
What is an Associates' degree program?
Applications and information for incoming students, whether PK, K, freshman, transfer, graduate, international, or lifelong education students go here.
What is the Admissions office or department?
This product enables students to engage more effectively with the campus community to achieve their academic goals.
What is Starfish?
This 2002 update of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) from 1965—effectively scaled up the federal role in holding schools accountable for student outcomes.
What is No Child Left Behind (NCLB)?
This law imposes certain requirements on operators of websites or online services directed to children under 13 years of age.
What is Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)?
This person assists a student with course planning, registration, and academic counseling.
What is a student or academic advisor?
A student enrolled in a college or university's courses, but not in a program of study leading to a degree.
What is a non-matriculated student?
The product that is designed to break down the barriers posed by poverty, gender norms and parental expectations (or lack thereof) by helping young students explore college and career options.
What is Naviance for Elementary School?
This law was part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society program. Passed in 1965, it created a clear role for the federal government in K-12 policy, offering more than $1 billion a year in aid under its first statutory section, known as Title I, to districts to help cover the cost of educating disadvantaged students.
What is ESEA or The Elementary and Secondary Education Act?
This type of alternative education institution is typically publicly funded by privately managed by a nonprofit or for-profit entity.
What is a charter school?
This is typically the top person in charge of education at a college or university, while the Dean of Faculty would usually be the top professor overseeing the faculty.
What is a provost?
The college or university official who is responsible for registering students and keeping their academic records, such as transcripts.
Who is the Registrar?
The Customer Relationship Management solution that allows institutions to connect to best-fit students, manage applications, personalize communications and analyze results.
What is Radius?
This landmark case, ultimately fought and won at the Supreme Court, declared that separating black and white students in school was unconstitutional. It overturned the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson case that allowed state-sponsored segregation.
What is Brown vs. The Board of Education?
This part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
What is Title I?
Programs supporting students learning English as their second or additional language.
What is ESL or ELL?
This a type of financial aid that consists of an amount of free money given to a student, often by the federal or a state government, a company, a school, or a charity and does not need to be repaid.
What is a grant?
The Hobsons product that connects students with prospective colleges and universities on an opt-in basis.
What is Naviance ActiveMatch?
This Act was signed into law by President Obama in 2015 and includes: -Upholding critical protections for America's disadvantaged and high-need students (Title I). -Requires academic standards that will prepare them to succeed in college and careers (Common Core). -Ensures that vital information is provided through annual statewide assessments that measure students' progress toward those high standards. -Maintains an expectation that there will be accountability and action to effect positive change in our lowest-performing schools.
What is ESSA or Every Student Succeeds Act?
A clear set of shared goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills students need in English language arts and mathematics at each grade level so they can be prepared to succeed in college, career and life.
What are Common Core Standards?
Application used by U.S. citizens and permanent residents to apply for financial aid from U.S. federal and state governments.
What is the FAFSA (Free Application for FEDERAL Student Aid)?
Acquired by Hobsons in 2016, this is now embedded in Starfish and offers analytical tools and services to inventory and measure the impact of student success interventions, benchmark their institutions’ academic success in comparison to peer institutions, and predict which students are going to be at-risk.
What is PAR or the PAR Framework?