What is the first step you take when you realize that your call is a genuine emergency?
When a passenger is not trapped, but is insisting that we reach out to the property, what information do we get from them and what do we ask them to do?
Phone number
Where they will be waiting
- We ask them to step out of the elevator while we call for assistance.
What is the reason that we get Pool enhanced 911 signals?
To advise management that their emergency phone was activated, and ask them to approach the site with caution. / courtesy call
When you get a signal where no voices were heard, what do we need to check before we close and why?
Check the date, time and zone description- You need to make sure that you do not have to make any calls.
When you get an activation, and the caller states they are testing the line, but are not able to hear you. With as much detail as possible, what will you do next?
Since they are unable to hear you on their end, you cannot advise them via the test call so you will reach out to management to advise them of the issue an close with resolution code CM and if unable to reach anyone (leave a message/ no mgmt contacts) you will create a maintenance issue under service call.
When you receive an escalated alarm screen, what is the first bit of information that you need to gather in order to proceed and how do you get it?
You need to find out why the alarm was escalated/Who needs to be be called and you should ask the operator who escalated it.
What are 2 examples of when the NA (no assistance) resolution code will be used.
When a caller advises that the button was pressed on accident
When the passenger is able to exit the elevator before you have asked them to press and hold the door open button.
On any of these telephone activations, When getting a signal where voices are heard with no response how do you proceed, and what are the possible resolution codes? please provide details.
- Voices heard script
-contact management
-If management does not respond, dispatch PD
- Close with resolution codes CM or DP
You get a call from the front office pool where laughter is heard but no one responds to you. How do you proceed and what are the possible resolutions for that alarm.
You would make calls going down the call list, and if no voice contact is made you proceed dispatch the police.
What are the 9 auto dialer responses?
Will not respond
No Answer
Left Message
Not In
What resolution code trumps all others?
When a trapped elevator passenger interrupts your questions and says that she is claustrophobic, what should you ask them?
Ask them if they need medical attention, ask them if they would like you to remain on the line.
When unattended children call from a pool/ help phone or AOR, how will you handle it?
- Escalate the alarm and advise the other operator of what is needed.
- Stay on the line with the children until they stop responding or confirmation of safety from someone 13 years or older. -
In order to avoid closing an alarm which requires action but comes in with no phone call, what must be checked.
What is the resolution codes if another operator has reported your signa to management on an Enhanced 911 either on a pool or elevator?
When do we not stay on the line with a person, after they have reported an emergency?
When they state that it is not safe to stay by the phone.
When they stop responding
If the Elevator Company tells me to dispatch fire for elevator entrapment, what would I tell them and how would I proceed.
- Advise them that I will be contacting management and dispatching the FD.
-I will advise management of the situation first and dispatch the fire department.
When someone has reported being locked out of their apartment, and there are no management contacts, we will have to dispatch the fire department so the caller can get assistance. True or False? Why?
We will only offer to contact a locksmith, or advise that we are unable to assist further.
When you check your Meds and realize you have gotten a suspended alarm screen. What will you do?
Either ask the original operator if they would like their suspended alarm back, or read through the activity log to find out what steps need to be taken and continue working on the alarm/ resolve it.
What steps must you take when getting an ACD call from the elevator company, where the ETA for responding to an entrapment will be more than 60 minutes from the time the entrapment script was submitted into the activity log.
- Pull a manual alarm
- contact management to advise update them on the ETA provided by the elevator company and let them know that we will be dispatching the fire department.
- dispatch FD
- Close as DF
What are all the steps you take as a Non-AEMD operator when a passenger mentions that they feel pain in their chest?
1. Escalate your alarm
2. Ask for an EMD and read your Non-AEMD script
3. Transfer your call
4. Suspend your screen
5. enter your comment on the back of the account
Considering the passenger advises you that he is able to exit after reporting being stuck in an elevator, what resolution codes could be applied and at which point would they change?
NA - at any point before you assist them (ask them to press and hold the door open button.)
EX: before you begin making calls to management or authorities/ Before information was provided to the elevator company.
EE- After you start making calls/ relay information to the elevator company
On a Connect to 911 device When there is a genuine emergency and someone asks to be connected directly to 911, how do we proceed, From start to finish.
- You ask them who is needed (PD/FD OR EMS)
-Without placing them on hold, you dial 911 on your Tadiran phone and wait for it to disconnect on its own
-contact management to advise them of activation
-Close as whomever was requested by caller (either DP/DF/DE)
When you get 3 or more VH signals within the hour for the same elevator on the same date, what will you do? how do you proceed.
call management again and advise of the signal, but if unable to make voice contact with management, either dispatch elevator company (if they are on the contact list) or fire department and close EE or DF
What are the steps when handling a caller testing that comes in on a SYS-DEF alarm.
- pause Manitou first
- handle the call first / play the location message
-search for the account using the dialer
-pick up the SYS-Def alarm screen
-Pull a manual signal for the actual property
-on the SYS-DEF screen comment the location message details.
-On the actual alarm screen comment that the call came in on SYS-DEF
- on the customer account, add a mismatch maintenance issue unless a pbx
-close both alarm screens with whichever testing resolution code is needed