This component is responsible for conducting injection, and monitoring host details in Class Full Stack Deployments
OneAgent Pod
What does YAML stand for?
Yet Another Markup Language or YAML Ain't a Markup Language
What are the yellow components? [image]
This command can be used to see the status of all pods in the dynatrace namespace:
kubectl _________
kubectl get pods -n dynatrace
What's this deployment type? [image]
Classic Full Stack
This component can be found in all deployment options by default and is often responsible for collecting Kubernetes based metrics
This app architecture type is defined by splitting an application up into many smaller components and is a big reason behind the need for a container orchestration platform
This is the Command Line Interface used to issue commands to a cluster
Kubectl (kubecuddle)
This command can be used to retrieve the logs for a pod outside the default namespace:
kubectl _________
kubectl logs <pod name> -n <namespace>
This deployment option is what will soon be present on the Deploy OneAgent page within a tenant
Cloud-Native Full-Stack
This yellow component is responsible for allowing the storage of binaries. [image]
CSI Driver Pod
These 2 words can be used to describe the advantages that container deployments provide
Lightweight and Portable
This component is responsible for communication to and from the control plane
Kube API
This command line tool is used for OpenShift
This deployment option shows containers as individual hosts
App only monitoring
This component is responsible for the actual code level injection in App-Only and Cloud-Native Full-Stack deployments
Initialization Container
The name Kubernetes is Greek for what?
Helmsman or Pilot
This resource is used to allow traffic in and out of a pod
This command can be used to get details about a pod outside the default namespace, including items like: its containers, metadata, conditions and recent events
Kubectl describe pod <pod name> -n <namespace of pod>
In order to limit injection on this deployment option, you can only use node selectors
Classic Full Stack
This Dynatrace component is not one of the Native Kubernetes resource types and is created after the operator is deployed.
This game's launch was saved by the scalability of Kubernetes in the Summer of 2016
Pokemon Go
This Kubernetes component is responsible for sending pods to the appropriate nodes
This single command can be ran to restart all pods of deployments in a particular namespace
kubectl ____ pods _______
Kubectl delete pods -n <namespace>
What deployment type is this? [image]
Cloud Native Full Stack