A Master and his Padawans
Kabeer enlightens minds that will shape the future in this occupation.
What is a Teacher?
How I met your mother
A First date with three spots... Kabeer might have been improvising with this location.
What is Second City?
It made me sign up to upload pictures and I'm not tryna spend 20$
Jeopardy 1 image
Gold Coast Australia!
Jeopardy 2.1
If I were a super hero...
If he had to choose one Kabeer would suit up as this hero
Who is Spiderman?
Extra Extra!
Kabeer's first job of many - though Bashirr had to do half the work if he recalls correctly
What is a paperboy?
Not on the Dress!
Guests at Kabeer and Kristen's wedding were treated to a feast from this catering company.
What is Roll and Coal BBQ Catering?
Jeopardy 2
Jeopardy 2.2
You are what you don't eat
Some think being friends with Kabeer is a breeze, others know him by this name.
Who is Kabbage?
It's close to midnight and something's lurking in the dark...
Customers were in for quite a sight when visiting Kabeer at this job.
What is a haunted house (Fright Night) actor?
A Picture is worth a thousand...dollars?
Wedding Photographer's don't come cheap and neither did this one.
What is Brittney Mary-Ashley Photography?
Jeopardy 3
Algonquin National Park
Jeopardy 2.3
Bet you can't do just one!
When Kabeer does one of these there are often 3-4 more to come so look out.
Back to his roots!
One sales job of many, Kabeer pitches a unique cultural experience to his marks on this job.
What is African Drum Experience salesman?
Don't forget to RSVP!
Including the bride and groom there were this many attendees at last year's Hope BC Wedding of the Year
How many is 58
Jeopardy 4
Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver
Jeopardy 2.4
Kabeer's two cats who suspiciously disappeared
Venture and BJ
We all pay the ferryman.
Perhaps his most unique position Kabeer is a effectively an uber driver with extra steps.
What is a Rickshaw driver?
Where it all went down.
Kabeer put it all on the line and got down on one knee at this National Park in Queensland Australia. Double points for pinpoint accuracy.
Where is Springbrook National Park?
Double Points:Goomoolahra Falls
Jeopardy 5
Carriage Hills
Jeopardy 2.5
It still counts
Kabeer wasn't much of a reader as a child but this series was the first to have him hooked.
What are the Bone Comics