The 1-page summary of your skills and experience
What is a resume?
Some things you can do before an interview
What is research the company and available roles, practice interview questions (mock interviews), prepare good questions to ask your interviewer, take care of personal hygiene
The first thing you should do in an interview
What is greet the interviewer politely (shake hands, say good morning/afternoon/day), introduce yourself, hand over a copy of your resume, have a positive attitude and confident posture/stride.
True or False: It is okay to ask when a final decision for the role will be made
Black History Month
What is February?
The amount of time a recruiter may spend looking at a resume
What is about 5-20 seconds?
Items to take with you to an interview
list of questions, additional copies of your resume, reference page and/or cover letter, writing utensils (for note-taking), portfolio of relevant work.
Some things you should try to avoid while talking during an interview
What are filler words/slang?
Different ways you could follow up after an interview
What is a thank you email, thank you card, or phone call
Movie about three black and female mathematicians at NASA (Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson ) in the year 1961
What is Hidden Figures?
The part of the resume that should be at the top with your name, appropriate contact information, and (one sentence) objective.
What is the header/heading.
Time you should arrive before an interview
At east 15-20 minutes before it starts.
The mode your devices should be on during an interview
On silent and stowed away
The amount of interviews or "rounds" a company may put you through before hiring you?
What is 2 or 3?
American Civil Rights activist who "had a dream"
Who is Martin Luther King?
Skills that are generally passive traits that may help you on the job such as communication, work ethic, flexibility, and time management.
What are soft skills?
Typical questions you can expect before an interview
Why do you want this job?
What are your strengths/weaknesses?
Tell me about yourself. etc
The type of body language you should have during an interview
What is confident body language such as sitting up straight, maintaining eye contact (being engaged with the conversation by also nodding along), being expressive in your answers, handshakes before and after the interview
The first black supreme court justice
Who is Thurgood Marshall
Examples of sections found one a resume (list at least five)
What are header (or anything in the header), education, skill summary, work experience, volunteer experience, awards and certifications, extra curricular activities, or references?
Some questions you can ask your interviewer
What do day- to- day responsibilities look like in this position?
What's your favorite part about working for this company?
What do you see as the most challenging part of this job?
Illegal questions that you are not obligated to and SHOULD NOT answer during an interview
Some things that you should state in your follow up thank you letter or email?
What is stating your purpose, expressing your interest, selling yourself, thanking them for taking time to interview you, add any additional information they may not have about you.
Agricultural chemist who gained acclaim for his discovery of alternative farming methods, and the invention of peanut butter
Who is George Washington Carver?