Who is the dubber with the most amount of roles? (Named and Unnamed)
Which episode has been the only one to ever be redone?
Sojo Arc.
During which seasons did we make the Sojo Arc?
Who added 'Comment Isou'?
What holiday did the server completely change for?
What is our second most viewed episode?
Rakuzaichi Part 1
Who was the 2nd editor to join the dubs?
What is the 2 most common program our editors use?
Capcut and Davinci Resolve
Complete the sentence: "We found [insert memeber] in a _____"
Which actor has been the only actor to join via open auditions?
How many dubs channels have their been?
Where did Spino originally post small clips of the dubs?
Spino, Fanatic, Snake, and Frankly.
After how many chapters does the OP usually play during episodes? Get any number within the range.
2-3 chapters.
How many actors has Hiyuki had?
4 times.
What is the most popular video on our channel?
Kagurabachi X Radwimps | Fandmade Opening (For the Sojo arc)
Who was the 5th person to join the dubs?
What is the range of chapters we adapt per episode? Anything number within the range will suffice.
7-9 chapters.
Who is the only person to ever be fired from the dubs?
How many roles has Frankly quit?
4 roles.
What is the first video posted on our channel?
The trailer for Rakuzaichi Arc P1
What was the first fight we compiled into a multi chapter video?
Sojo vs Anti Kuregumo Squad
Which episode did we start writing scripts? Be specific.
Sojo Arc Revamped
What was the first series we ever live dubbed here?