From which class the peple involved on the Romantic movement belonged to?
Middle and high class
True or False? Justify false statement.
Feelings and emotions were essential steps towards a true knowledge of things.
Mention two iconic romantic authors
Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, PErcy Bysshee Shelley, William Blake.
True or False? Justify false statement.
The Romanticism, was a movement in Europe and USA that only involved literature.
False - The romanticism was a movement that involved arts in general (music, painting, architecture, etc.)
Which apect of the Romantic movement is reflected on this picure?
They talk about nature in terms once used for God, or a lover or a very dear friend.
Who are the main characters in Pride and Prejudice?
Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy
Which is the name of this Romantic painting?
¨Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog¨
by Caspar David Friedrich
True or False? Justify false statement.
The Romantic Hero was the same as we know as ¨Prince Charming¨
The Romantic Hero is the opposite to Prince Charming. He is a glorious failure, haunted by remorse for his faults and wasted opportunities.
What values associated with Romanticism can be identified in Frankenstein?
Feelings vs rationality, a love of nature, individualism and isolation, The 'Dark' Romantic hero.
What is mean by 'The Sublime'?
An aesthetical and philosophical ideal set against the classical ideal of beauty (harmony, balance and regularity)
Explain the following statement:
“Knowledge of the heart” greater and more profound than the “knowledge of the head”
Students' own answers
Describe the opposing forces in "Songs of Experience" and "Songs of Innocence"
Childhood vs adulthood; the innocent pastoral (peaceful countryside) vs a world of corruption; The Lamb vs The Tyger
Name and describe the main features of the Romantic movement.
- feelings were more important than intellectual thoughts
-Nature had an important place in the life of people
-The freedom of the individual and the artist was essential.
-imagination connected the indivual to the universe.
Explain the theme ¨Striving for the infinite¨
- The desire to exceed human limitations- now became glorious, something for which life was worth living.
- The artist-prophet’s task was to awaken the common man and make him realize both the potential of the human mind and the healing qualities of nature.
- The search for infinity was the artist’s glorious mission. It made him or her a prophet-like figure.
Oral exam style:
Student's own answers