When mark was 3, what did he do to the board game clue when he was losing?
What is peed on it.
What was Cam's major in Uni?
Political Science
What subject was Danielle’s first teaching position?
Grade 8 Math
What Loop artist did Mark recently get on stage with at a concert?
Who is Marc Rebillet.
When Cam Started University, His program was focused on what career?
What university did Danielle attend for her Bachelor’s degree?
Nipissing University
What drink did mark use at a mix at Tim Hortons while on shift?
What is a frozen lemonade
What year did Cam start as a Police Officer?
In what small town did Danielle grow up in?
Barry's Bay
Mark competed in a tournament and got second place twice in which game?
Super Smash Bros
What's Cam's Sister's name?
Danielle is qualified to teach two high school courses. What are they?
English and History
What instrument did mark used to play?
What is the Trumpet
What was Cam's drink of choice in University?
Rye and Ginger
What month did Cameron and Danielle bring home the love of their life River?