General Knowledge

In the Japanese writing system, these characters are logographic symbols borrowed from Chinese and used to represent words and ideas.

What is kanji?


This UWA club is where like-minded people can connect through their interest and love of the Japanese culture or language, and socialise about it casually, academically and professionally. Give the club's full name.

Who are the Japanese Studies Society?


This traditional Japanese dish consists of vinegared rice topped with raw fish or seafood.

What is sushi?


It is the largest organ in the human body.

What is the skin?


This subgenre of fantasy often involves a character suddenly transported from their world into a new or unfamiliar one. This displaced person or people has to survive in this other world, such as a fantasy world, game world, or parallel universe without the possibility of returning to their original world.

What is Isekai?


In Japanese, what term refers to a compound consisting of four Chinese characters, often used to convey complex meanings or express profound ideas succinctly? One example is 一石二鳥 issekinichō (one + stone + two + birds).

If answering in English, you must say include one specific word in your answer to get it correct.

What is yojijukugo?; What is a four-character idiom in Japanese?


This Japanese university is a national research university founded in 1897. It is the second oldest university in Japan. Their logo has a tree and their motto is 'Freedom of academic culture.' Their colour is navy blue. Many think of this university as the second best national university in Japan. (National = not private = cheaper).

What is Kyoto University?


This Japanese noodle dish is made from wheat flour and is typically served in a savory broth with toppings like sliced green onions, chashu, and boiled egg.

What is Ramen?


They are a variant of Koala (very aggressive).

What is a drop bear?


This anime series follows the story of two brothers who embark on a journey to find the Philosopher's Stone in order to restore their bodies after a failed alchemical experiment.

What is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood?


In Japan, there are 2 million people with this Japanese surname, making it the country's most common surname. It is particularly common in Akita and Yamagata Prefectures. Notable people with the name include ___ Eisaku, who was prime minister from 1964 to 1972 and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974.

Who is Satō? 佐藤


In Japanese, this term describes the act of intentionally skipping class.

a) What is 授業をきる (じゅぎょうをきる) (jugyō o kiru)?
b) What is 授業をサビる (じゅぎょうをさびる) (jugyō o sabiru)?
c) What is 授業をサボる (じゅぎょうをさぼる) (jugyō o saboru)?
d) What is 授業をクダる (じゅぎょうをくだる) (jugyō o kudaru)?

c) What is 授業をサボる (じゅぎょうをさぼる) (jugyō o saboru)?


Okonomiyaki, Kushikatsu, Takoyaki 

What are some of the famous dishes in Osaka?


This Russian composer is known for his ballet scores, including "Swan Lake," "The Nutcracker," and "Sleeping Beauty."

Who is Tchaikovsky? 


He is strongest character in One Punch Man in the Hero Association, and no one has ever seen him fight.

Who is King?


Pronounced in Japanese, this rapper's real name is is オーブリー・____・グレアム (O-buri _____ Gureamu)

Who is Drake?


This Japanese government scholarship supports foreign students who study in higher education institutions, to study in Japan, selected on the recommendation of Japanese Embassy/Consulate General, University, or Authority.

What is the MEXT Scholarship?


A multi-course Japanese style meal

What is 会席料理?


This ski place in Hokkaido is sometimes known as the Australian town of Japan.

What is Niseko sometimes known for?


This Totoro character is smaller and white and hangs around the larger blue and grey Totoros. In the initial setting, this character is 109 years old. It runs very quickly and can disappear and reappear when it wants to.

Who is Chibi Totoro/Min ミン?


In a classic work of Japanese literature, this nobleman is the central character known for his romantic exploits and courtly adventures (basically he was a player/fboi). He was primarily a member of the imperial court in Heian-era Japan, known for his talents in poetry, calligraphy, music and arts (basically he had so many skillz to serenade the ladiez).

Who is Genji?


University students in Japan who want to participate less intensely in a sport or activity will join these groups instead of a university club. These groups have less financial support from universities and usually place more emphasis on having fun (i.e. playing two seconds of tennis while chatting and then going out to drink after).

What is a circle?


Placing chopsticks like this in a bowl of rice resembles the ritual of offering rice to the deceased at funerals. Therefore, it evokes associations with death and is considered highly disrespectful.

Why is sticking chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice considered rude?


This unusual conflict in Australian history occurred in 1932 when the military was called in to declare war against a certain species of animal. 

What is the "Emu War"?


This anime studio is renowned for and critically praised for its popular original anime series such as Gundam, Cowboy Bebop and Love Live!

What is Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc?

Previously and still famously known as Sunrise Inc.
