Flying across the world, this world renowned mechanches taught us how to understand the message of candlelight
Who is Mrs Dena Schoonmaker?
When she is experiencing pain in bedikos/intimacy
Who is the OT/Pelivic Floor Specialist
The common denominator between Taharas HaMishpacha and the kallah circling the chosson at the chuppah?
What is 7?
The first opportunity to attempt a hefsek tahara
What is the afternoon of day#5 since becoming nidah?
an intimacy concept that connects to hot shabbos food
What is the crock pot and light switch?
From this talmid of R' Wolbe we learned about the concept of face to face
Who is Rabbi Leuchter?
Often a kallah is uncomfortable to bring him a shaila, but it's the right thing to do. Acts as the anchor in a Yid's life
Who is the rav?
Connection between minimum days before hefesk tahara and the love languages?
What is 5?
A short cycle does not uproot the longer previous interval.
What is Chumras Beis Meir/Haflag Gedola?
Recognizing the different order of male and female to deeper connection
What are the 3 windows/doors
We learned from this master therapist about authenticity and connection
Who is Mr. Moshe Zev Lamm LCSW
When her water breaks
Who is the OBGYN
How many se-ah are required in a kosher mikvah.
What is 40?
The reason Rashi gives for prep by day and Tosfos gives for prep before tevila
What is ikar chafifa bod yom and ikar chafifa tekef kodem hatevila?
How to present the difference between leil chuppa and the married wife
What are the BOXES?
We learned from this master teacher how to do a proper bedika
Who is Mrs. Tzivie Hoch
She has an enormous amount of zchuyos with one word: Kosher
Who is the Mikvah Attendant?
The amount of letters in Harey At Mekudeshet Lee pasuk and related to heart.
What is 32?
What is the Moch Dachuk?
What is the analogy of the ground and rain?
Mashpiah & Mekabeles
We learned from the master teacher how to connect with our kallos
Who is Mrs. Selengut?
She is referred to as the eyes of the reporter for the rav
Who is the Bodekes
The most common day that women have their periods according to halacha.
What is 30?
what are menstruation, childbirth, gyn procedure, hargasha, neemanus, kesem, bedika, dam besulim?
What is the watering the flower