plant power
motion commotion
a matter of science
skin n bones
lave lakes and landforms

What are the leaves called that people use to flavor their food?

a. Herbs

b. Seeds

c. Petals

d. Roots

a. Herbs

Herbs are leaves we use to flavor our food, while spices are usually from the seeds.


A heavy rock is on the ground in the middle of your yard. When will the rock move?

a. When a force acts on the rock.

b. It will never move.

c. When the gravity is gone.

d. When gravity starts pulling on it.

a. When a force acts on the rock.


Your class is making ice cream during an activity. Which of the following items would not have helped in the freezing process of the milk and cream liquid?

a. Salt

b. Water

c. Ice

d. Sugar

c. Ice


Which of the following organs is also a muscle?

a. The Kidney

b. The Heart

c. The Lungs

d. The Brain

b. The Heart


Which landform is best described as a low area of land between two large hills or mountains?

a. Sand Dune

b. Valley

c. Plateau

d. Island

b. Valley


Which of the following do all plants NOT need?

a. Soil

b. Water

c. Sunlight

d. Air

a. Soil

Although very beneficial in most plants, soil is not always needed. Hydroponics is a process of growing plants in only water.


Kara and Justin are comparing how far their toy cars will roll down slopes made of different materials. Which surface should allow the car to go the furthest?

a. Grass

b. Sand

c. Concrete

d. Gravel

c. Concrete


Which of these is not matter?

a. Dream

b. Oxygen

c. Car

d. Water

a. Dream


The place where bones come together is called:

a. Joints

b. Spongy Bone

c. Compact Bone

d. Bone Marrow

a. Joints


Which of these animals lives mostly in fresh water?

a. Shark

b. Frog

c. Whale

d. Dolphin

b. Frog


How do plants get their energy?

a. They absorb it out of the soil.

b. They get it from their momma.

c. All plants get their energy from the sun.

d. Plants don't need energy.

c. All plants get their energy from the sun.


What best describes an object that is moving will continue moving until acted upon by a force?

a. Mass

b. Acceleration

c. Inertia

d. Weight

c. Inertia


When you take energy away from a gas and therefore turn it into a liquid, this process is called what?

a. Condensation

b. Freezing

c. Melting

d. Evaporation

a. Condensation


What strong tissue connects muscles to bones?

a. Veins

b. Spinal Cord

c. Tendons

d. Ligaments

c. Tendons


Which of the following bodies of water cover the most area or space on Earth?

a. River

b. Ocean

c. Lake

d. Pond

b. Ocean


Which part of the plant attracts insects to help with pollination?

a. Flowers

b. Stems

c. Roots

d. Insects don't like plants

a. Flowers


An object in motion likes to ________, and an abject at rest likes to ________.

a. stay in motion, go into motion

b. stay in motion, stay at rest

c. go into rest, go in motion

d. go into rest, stay at rest

b. stay in motion, stay at rest


Which of these will change shape but NOT size

a. All of them

b. Gas

c. Solid

d. Liquid

d. Liquid


What is a scientist who studies the body called?

a. A Biologist

b. A Veterinarian

c. Meteorologist

d. A Physiologist

d. A Physiologist


Most frogs are unable to handle the salty of certain types of water. Which of the following locations would you most likely NOT find a frog?

a. Lily Pond

b. Lake Johnson

c. St Joseph River

d. Atlantic Ocean

d. Atlantic Ocean


Which component of soil absorbs the most water?

a. Soil

b. Organic Matter

c. Sand

d. Clay

d. Clay

Clay absorbs the most water, while sand is second and soil is third.


If you put a marble in a test tube with sand, what is the “trick” to getting the marble to move?

a. Leave it alone and gravity will eventually make it fall to the bottom

b. Use a magnet

c. Shake it up and down to make the marble move down the tube

d. Shake it up and down to make the marble move up the tube

d. Shake it up and down to make the marble move up the tube

Shaking the friction tube up and down helped the marble move up the tube.


You decide to help your family cook breakfast one weekend. Which of the following actions would be considered a chemical change?

a. Folding the napkins

b. Slicing an orange

c. Making scrambled eggs.

d. Cutting up the vegetables

c. Making scrambled eggs


What is the scientific or medical name for the skull?

a. Humerous

b. The Cranium

c. The Femur

d. The Gluteous Maximus

b. The Cranium


What is molten rock called when it is inside the earth?

a. Magma

b. Rock

c. Lava

d. Slime

a. Magma

Magma is the name given to molten rock inside the Earth, lava is what it is called after it erupts.
