What is Kansas's shorten name form?
Kansas is in the middle of the United States instead of saying middle we would say? It is known as the What state?
Central State
what is the main color of the Kansas flag?
she is a famous jazz artist who started when she was in her early teens and finished around her nineties. What is her name?
Myra Taylor
People who live in Kansas are called what?
A yellow flower grows in Kansas and makes fields of them. This flower also faces the sun. What is the flower's name?
What is the Kansas state symbol flower?
The sunflower
The first female air pilot flew across the Atlantic Ocean and disappeared.
Amelia Earheart.
What is Kansas's capital city named?
Is Kansas made of fields? With it being made of fields, will it be a part of the Great Plains?
What is the state amphibian of Kansas?
Barred tiger salamander or orange-striped lizard
Who was the person who caused Bloody Kansas?
John Brown
Before Kansas was founded and joined the United States. Who lived here before it was founded?
Native American tribes
John Brown led the charge of violence and thanks to him Kansas was nicknamed what?
Bloodly/Bleeding Kansas
What is the state bird of Kansas?
Western Meadowlark
This guy is a game show host of a show named "Survivor." What is his name?
Jeff Probst
Four states surround Kansas. Name two of them.
Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma
Kansas is the largest producer of what? It is a food that grows in fields and is very similar to corn. It is used to help make bread.
What is Kansas's known animal?
Bison or buffalo.
This guy is an American actor who plays multiple great roles. One of the roles he played was Ant-Man in the Marvel Universe. He is also not a Kansas-born. Who is the person's name?
Paul rudd or Ant-man