What is the significance of school pride at Kappa III?
It fosters community, respect, and motivates students to succeed together.
What subjects are included in the Kappa III academic programs?
English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, and Social Studies.
What does the Kappa III Pledge encourage students to do when they face difficulties?
To accept challenges and pursue their goals.
What attendance rate must students maintain for success?
A 95% or higher attendance rate.
What is the theme of the ELA Chant?
Answer: Knowledge as power and language as art.
What are the three C's of Kappa III?
Caring, Courage, and Character.
How does Kappa III incorporate technology into learning?
Through Google Classrooms for assignments, lessons, and announcements.
What does the phrase "To climb the highest mountain" represent in the Kappa III Pledge?
Overcoming challenges and striving for success.
Why is punctuality important at Kappa III?
It maximizes achievement and enhances learning experiences.
How does the Math Chant describe the subject?
Answer: As a universal language that helps us solve problems.
What is the uniform policy for Kappa III?
Students must wear Kappa III navy blue polo shirts, khaki pants or plaid skirts, and sneakers.
What type of learning does the Science program at Kappa III focus on?
Investigations, data collection, and collaborative understanding of scientific concepts.
How does the Pledge promote teamwork?
It emphasizes supporting each other and working together.
What is the consequence of not submitting work on time?
Answer: It may affect academic performance and learning progress.
What does the Science Chant encourage students to do?
Answer: To question, invent, and explore scientific concepts.
What is the Kappa III Pledge?
A commitment to do one's best, accept challenges, speak one's mind, and support peers.
What is the goal of project-based learning in Social Studies?
To engage students in exploring historical movements through complex tasks
What does "To make a way when there is darkness" mean in the Pledge?
Finding solutions and being resilient in tough times.
What are the essential features of Kappa III?
Answer: Equity, excellence, and voice in education.
What is the main idea of the Social Studies Chant?
Answer: To understand history and the importance of humanity.
What is the main purpose of the Kappa III vision?
To empower all students to become lifelong learners, high achievers, innovative thinkers, and problem solvers.
What academic support materials are provided to students?
ELA workbooks, Math resources, Social Studies workbooks, and Science materials.
What overall message does the Kappa III Pledge convey?
A commitment to personal growth, resilience, and community support.
What should students do if they have questions about policies?
Answer: They should refer to the Kappa III Parent/Student Handbook.
What does the Kappa III song emphasize about teamwork?
Answer: It highlights the collective effort and support of students, parents, and staff.