Where is check outs from 2:50-4 and 4-6?
What is the front office and parent pick up?
What color ink should be used for attendance?
What is blue or black ink?
Are you allowed to sit on the playground?
What is no? You should be supervising the children at all times.
What time are you supposed to be here?
What is 2:30?
What is the staff to student ratio?
What is 1:18?
What is the difference between the green folder & black clipboard
What is green binder for ELC & Black binder for non-ELC students
Where should students be sitting at during attendance?
2nd & 3rd grade on the back side, 4th & 5th on the front side by the stage
What students can use the metal ramp on the playground?
What is students ONLY with disabilities?
This is a school rule!!!
If you stay after 5:45 (except for checkouts) what should you do before leaving in order to get paid for it?
What is have Ms.Menard or Ms.Kayla be notified?
When should you set up for your class? Can you come in early?
What is before after-school starts? You can come in early as long as you get prior approval from Ms.Menard/Ms.Kayla
When is the next tuition due for parents to see on a daily basis?
What is the sign in/out sheet?
What is "A" for absent
What is one equipment item that they cannot play with?
What is party wheels?
What time does check outs end?
What is 6:00?
If a student has an accident where they hit there head, what are the procedures?
What is fill out an accident report & send to the stage?
If a suspicious person is walking in or around campus OR you suspect a parent is under the influence what should you do?
Let Ms.Menard/Ms.Kayla know and do pickups in the front office until the issue is resolved.
What does the 1 mean on attendance? What does it mean if it's blank?
The 1 means that the student is supposed to be here. If it is blank then the student should not be here.
Where should backpacks be placed?
What is along the fence?
What you should you do if you are running late?
What is call/text Ms.Menard or Ms.Kayla?
What should you do if your class has made a mess:
Clean up after 5:00 OR end class early and have the students clean
What is end class early and have the students clean?
A parent picks up at 6:05, where should they sign out & how much do they owe?
What is sign out on sign out sheets PLUS late pick up clipboard. $5 ($1 per minute)
What are 3 important reasons as to why attendance should be done correctly?
1) In case of an emergency
2) Auditing purposes
3) Payments
What are the main hotspots on the playground?
What is standing on the equipment itself, by the monkey bars, by the swings, and the back fence area.
What if any documents should you have if you are out?
What is give Ms.Menard/Ms.Kayla doctors note, excuse note?
What form should you fill out when you have a behavior issue?
What is behavior report?
Located in Ms.Menard's or Ms.Kayla's office