The average person owns ____ pairs of jeans.
****Mega Jeopardy x4****
What is 7 pairs?
In what trimester is a pregnant woman most likely to experience morning sickness?
First trimester
Where does Katelyn park when at the office?
**Get it right to skip the next team**
What is outside the barn?
The holiday just after Christmas...
** Triple Jeopardy x3**
Boxing Day
Which is wider, Australia or the Moon?
What is Australia?
Where did jeans originate from?
Babies are born without this bone in their bodies.
What is kneecaps?
First country to standardize 8hr work day
****** Mega Jeopardy x5******
What is Spain?
How heavy does a silverback gorilla weigh on average?
**Get it right to skip the next team!**
500 lbs
What is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself?
**Double Jeopardy x2**
What are teeth?
What dye is used most frequently in denim production?
What is indigo?
How many extra calories per day should a pregnant woman consume during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?
What is ~300? (get within 100)
What percentage of the workforce works remotely in the US?
40% (on average as of 2024)
When was Ohio founded (as a State)?
***Triple Jeopardy***
March 1st, 1803
No number before 1,000 contains this letter..
**Get it right to skip the next team**
What is the letter A?
In this country, wearing denim is banned.
What is North Korea?
What hormone do pregnancy tests detect?
**Double Jeopardy x2**
What is HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin?
On average, how many unread emails do people have between their work and personal emails?
~300 emails
How many continents do monkeys naturally inhabit?
Name all for ***Triple Jeopardy***
What is 4? ( Africa, Central America, South America and Asia )
This letter does not appear in any American State name...
What is the letter Q?
The orange color thread is this brand's trademark style...
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What is Levi's Trademark?
How many hours a day does a newborn sleep (on average)?
**Get it right to skip the next team!**
What is 20 hrs?
The average time spent in meetings per month (according to Verizon study)
53 hrs and 24 minutes
Do the vast majority of people wear socks to bed?
What is no? If you do we cannot trust you....
What percent of people are left-handed?
What is 10%?