Katie's favorite movie is a 1994 prison film call Shawshank ___. What is the blank?
What colors are Wanda and Cosmo in Fairly Odd Parents?
Green and Pink
Hot Pot
Kate Walsh played Addison Montgomery, the ex wife of what Grey's Anatomy nuerosurgeon?
Derek Sheperd
How much is a Spotify subsciption?
What actor plays the main guy character in the movie Barbarian?
Justin Long
What is the name of the monkey in Dora?
How many total people are on a volleyball court at one time?
This famous Katie was married to Tom Cruise.
What year was FIFA born?
How many days does Noah write to Allie in the Notebook?
What college did Andy in the office go to?
What is the most popular Karaoke song of all time?
Sweet Caroline
Which famous "Kate, kathryn or katies" let Leonardo Dicaprio die after a cruise crashed, even though there was enough room on the door?
Kate Winslet
Name the three branches of goverment.
legislative, executive, and judicial
What is the first name of the actress who plays Jane in Jane the Virgin?
Single, double, triple, hr are not seperate
Walk, hit, error, fielders choice, hit by pitch, interference, drop 3rd strike
What Famous Kate played alongside Matthew McConaughey in How to lose a guy in ten days?
Kate Hudson
What percentage of people have blue eyes in the US?
27 percent
What is the first word that Forrest says in Forrest Gump?
How many episodes does Spongebob have?
What 3 colors are in the TikTok logo?
black white and red
Kathryn Hahn - famous actress and comedian plays Derek's wife in Step Brothers. What is her name?
What country was first to use depression in medical dictionaries to refer to a lowering of emotional function.