AP Euro

This incredibly common Yoga pose has yogis imitate man's best friend while getting an intense stretch in their hamstrings and quads.

What is downward dog?


Everything in the universe is made up of these teeny-tiny particles. Even you!

What are atoms?


In order to stay healthy, the average teenager has to get this much sleep each night.

What is 8 to 10 hours?


Off with their heads! King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were executed during this nation's bloody 18th-century revolution.

What is France?


This statement, also called the claim, is the main idea that the essay is trying to prove.

What is the thesis?


This freedom-loving yoga coach has been teaching at campo for over 20 years and often gives his students silly nicknames like "Ellie Jelly" and "Katie the Great-ie"

Hint: here's a quote from him:  "Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedooooooooooooooooooom!"

Who is Coach Walsh?


Bubbling, a change in temperature, and the creation of a new substance are all signs of this, sometimes explosive, type of reaction.

What is a chemical reaction?


Denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance are part of the Kubler-Ross model, more commonly known as the 5 stages of this mourning process

What is grief?


After losing many key battles in this war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was forced to give up huge chunks of its territory and broke up into many different countries including Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.

What is World War One (WWI)?


Remove the "O" in the middle of this teacher's name and you get a burger that Andy ate in Hawaii.

Hint: This teacher also competed in Squid Games and is called a "Wokerton" by John

Who is Mr. Donohoe?


Gathering lots of blankets and closing your eyes is incredibly helpful before doing savasana, a calming pose where yogis do this. Sweet dreams yogis!

What is sleep/rest?


In the 1800s, a Russian chemistry professor created this to help his students remember the elements and their properties. 

What is the periodic table?


This outgoing type of person gets their energy from being around other people and typically is very energetic and sociable. 

What is an extrovert?


During the Renaissance, this wealthy Italian city was a key hub for artisans, who created many of its most famous landmarks today including the gorgeous Duomo and Medici palaces. 

What is Florence?


A story written by someone about their own experiences is called a memoir or this two-word term. Hint: This is one of the first things you learn how to write in elementary school

What is a personal narrative?


Yoga is made up of many of these, known as asanas in Sanskrit. Some common ones include "Downward Dog" and "Tree".

What are poses?


Combine toxic chlorine gas and highly reactive sodium to get this flavorful substance used in foods all around the world.

Hint: Grandpa Tom likes it a lot 

What is salt (NaCl)?


This unhealthy way of thinking emphasizes that people have inherent abilities that cannot change (Ex: I'll always be stupid at math)

What is a fixed mindset?


This ideology, credited to Karl Marx, calls for the redistribution of wealth and the violent overthrow of the middle class or bourgeoisie. It was later implemented by many countries during the 20th century including the USSR and China.

What is Communism?


Into Thin Air details the 1996 tragedy on this Himalayan peak, the tallest mountain in the world. It has also convinced me to never become a mountain climber. 

What is Mt Everest?


Be sure to wake up bright and early in order to do this radiant pose cycle. 

What is a Sun Salute?


These subatomic particles found inside the atom's nucleus are positively charged and account for an element's atomic number. (Ex: Sodium is 11) 

What are protons?


This crucial part of the brain, responsible for long-term planning and rational decision-making, is not fully developed until age 25.

What is the prefrontal cortex?


This controversial treaty signed after the end of WWI forced Germany to take full responsibility for the war, give up its army, and pay billions of dollars to Great Britain and France.

Hint: It was signed in the Hall of Mirrors in a palace we visited in France this summer.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


In The Dark Knight Returns, this superhero has to go up against classic villains like Two-Face and The Joker, but also against his old friends including the incredibly powerful Superman.

Who is Batman?
