New Halloween Movie starring Adam Sandler
What is Hubie Halloween?
The City of Brotherly Love (aka home of the Eagles)
What is Philadelphia?
What NBA team was Kobre Bryant on?
What is the Lakers?
Who sings The Box?
What is Roddy Rich?
Halloween movie where 3 witches in Salem are brought back to life in the 20th century
What is Hocus Pocus?
What are the names of the 3 witches in Hocus Pocus?
What is Winifred, Mary, and Sarah?
Who was the first president of the United States?
What is George Washington?
Philadelphia's professional soccer team
Name a song by Chris Brown
Any song by Chris Brown
Name 3 Halloween Movies
Any 3 Halloween Movies
The movie starring The Rock and Alexandra Daddario where a series of huge earthquakes hit the city of San Francisco
What is San Andreas?
Name 5 US presidents
Any 5 presidents
The name of a penalty in the circle in Field Hockey
What is a corner?
What song are these lyrics from: "We play games of love to avoid the depression/ We been here before and I won't be your victim"
What is Mood?
Every Halloween, Charlie Brown helps Linus wait for what character to appear in the pumpkin patch?
What is The Great Pumpkin?
What are the names of Harry Potters two bestfriends?
What is Ron and Hermione?
Name 8 of the 13 colonies
(use 8 of these) Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, New Hampshire, Massachussets, Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Conneticut
What college did Lebron James go to?
What is he did not attend college?
Who sings the songs Heather, Affluenza, and Maniac?
What is Conan Gray?
Name the colors of a candy corn bottom to top
yellow, orange, white
Who plays Captain America?
what is Chris Evans?
Capital of Iowa
What is Des Moines?
What team has won the most NBA championships? (Double Jeopardy)
What is the Celtics? (Double Jeopardy)
Name 4 Chris Brown songs
Name any 4
Who is the antagonist in the movie Halloween?
What is Michael Myers?