Name one thing that you fight about with one of your family members
Any honest answer
Name one family rule your family has.
Take your shoes off when coming into the house, no feet on the furniture, no pets in bed, etc.
When someone in your family gets angry, how do you respond?
Isolate, argue back, start crying, etc.
Some things you can do to calm down when frustrated.
deep breathing, taking a time out, ground yourself, distract yourself, ask for help
What do you love most about your family?
Anything positive is the right answer, negative answers are worth no points
One of your family members starts an argument with you. What is the best way to respond?
Stay, calm, listen, be respectful, take a time out
What family rule do you think is needed?
Your choice
You are feeling sad and need comfort. Who in your family do you turn to?
Siblings, children, parents, etc.
Two things that help you when you feel better when you or sad or upset.
calling a friend, remembering happy memories, going outside, writing a gratitude list, watching a funny show
What is something fun you do with your family?
Any real and fun activity is good!
You have made plans to go out to lunch with one of your family members. However, he/she wants to go to a restaurant you don't like. How do you handle this?
Any honest answer will suffice.
What is a family rule you have/had about helping out around the house?
An honest answer it worth 300 points.
You come home from work. While you are making dinner, the dog/cat had an accident in the house, and while you are attending to it, dinner burns. How do you feel?
stressed, frustrated, tired, overwhelmed, angry
When you are having flashbacks, how do you calm yourself?
deep breathing, distraction, doing self-soothing such as a bath, aromatherapy, putting a cool washcloth on my face
What do you want to change about your family?
Any honest answer is good.
You have asked a family member to help you out with a chore, but he/she doesn't show up. How do you respond?
Any honest answer will do.
As a teen, what rule did your family have about substance use?
Any answer you get you 400 points.
What are the signs that someone in your family is feeling depressed?
Not getting out of bed, crying, no energy, doesn't enjoy they things he/she like he/she used to
When is the most difficult for you to use coping skills?
Any honest answer gets you points.
What's your favorite memory about your childhood?
Any memory gets you points.
No one in your family is giving you emotional support while you are working on sobriety. How do you handle this?
Tell your family members that you would like their emotional support and tell them what specifically you need.
What is the family rule you adhered to the most?
Any answer will get you 500 points.
Name 5 positive emotions
happy, joyful, confident, excited, energetic, proud, loved, hopeful, etc.
Name a time you used a healthy coping skill and how it went.
Any honest answer gets you points.
What is one thing you are grateful for about your family.
Any real answer gets you 500 points.