True or False: God made human beings at the 7th day
In read your bible song, what will happen to you if your bible and pray every day ?
We are made by God_______________.
For God
Who is our Kids Coordinator ?
Teacher Clarence Adiwang
Where does Batman live ?
Gotham City
True or False: In the third day God created the land, the seas, the plant life
What year did Hosanna got released to the public ?
In 1 Peter 2:9 But you are not like that, for you are___________________.
chosen people
Where does Teacher Tads live right now.
Canada. Saskatoon
who is the superhero who lives in New York.
We are created through God's ______________.
Vision, own image
In Read your bible, how many times yould you read your bible and pray ?
What is the title of our 3rd week lesson
I am significant
I will always ____________ when someone is talking
mute my audio
How many planets are there ?
In what day did God created the light
1st day
What happens to you if you don’t read your Bible.
Forget to pray.
shrink shrink shrink
In today's lesson, what did God called Jeremiah for ?
To be a prophet
What is the last name of Teacher Maidee
Who is Spongebob's neighbors
Squidward and Patrick
Who created us ?
Who sang Hosanna ?
Hillsong Worship
What are the four lessons that we talked for the month of September
I am created, I am accepted, I am significant, I have a purpose
Who is the oldest teacher ?
Teacher Maidee
Name any color in the rainbow
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet