Everything Else
Guest Relations
Our Program
Opening & Closing
Our Policies

How much does a month of swimming cost at KCS?


What would you say to great a guest over the phone?

"Good [morning/afternoon/evening]. KidsCanSwim [location], [you name] speaking, how may I help you?"


What are the KCS Core Values?

1. Safety

2. Fun lessons and measurable progression

3. Exceptional Guest Experience

4. Meaningful work environment

5. Center cleanliness


After turning on the lights and completing the pool test, what is the first thing you do when opening?

Print the aquatic educator and master roll sheets and make sure the entryway is sparkling. 


What is the Front Desk Coordinator uniform?

The white KidsCanSwim polo shirt and a pair of unbranded black pants or KCS Shorts. Please wear indoor shoes during the winter.


What is the difference between a charge and a payment?

A charge is like the bill you receive at a restaurant. It tells you how much you owe for your monthly lessons.

A payment is the part when parents pay for their charge - either using debit or a credit card.


Guests have up until which day of the month to cancel their swimming lessons?

The 20th day of the month


How many levels are in the KidsCanSwim program?

12 levels


When should you start closing the centre? 

As soon as the last guest checks-in you can start closing the lobby and front desk area. This ensures that the centre is closed efficiently and on time.


What is the KCS Billing Cycle? When are the key dates?

- Charges get added to accounts on the 1st of the month

- Auto-payments get taken on the 1st of every month

- Families have to submit cancelation requests 30 days in advance


What is the shift report and what information is in it?

The shift report is filled out each day by both the Front Desk and On-Deck teams. It serves as communication tool between members on shift and the management team, as a way to solve problems or have questions answered, and a record of events.

It includes:

•Client relations issues

•Pool chemistry on the day

•Any questions you can’t answer

•Pros & Cons about the shift


A guest calls saying that they want to register for swimming lessons. What do you do?

b) direct them to the parent portal on our website, where they can register online


How would you help a parent who was inquiring about which level to register for?

Direct them to the KCS Find My Level tool on our website. If they are a baby, use their age to decide which class. 


Why is it important to do a pool test first thing when opening the centre?

The first pool test of the day must be done 30 minutes before the first swimming lesson, so that if the pool chemistry is off we can fix it before lessons start. Otherwise, we may be forced to close the centre.


How far ahead can guests transfer their enrolment?

Guests can transfer up to one week ahead of their new class. 

What key details are in the master roll sheet?

The swimmers name, the parents name, their phone number, the swimmers level, their class time, their lane, their aquatic educator, their planned attendance, AND icons with key details like if it's their first class, their first time at the pool, their birthday, etc.


A guest is coming in for their lesson late - the class started 2 mins ago and they have a balance owing. What do you do?

1. Let them know that they have a balance owing on their account and that you'd be happy to help take payment now. 

2. If they insist that they're late and want to get their child into lessons first - if the child is old enough, let the child go through to their lesson and take payment from the parent. 

3. If the child is not old enough, let the parent get their child in the lesson, then ask them to return to the Front Desk to settle their tuition. If this happens, YOU are responsible for ensuring they make the payment before the end of class. If not, you will receive a disciplinary notice. 

4. Always ask the parent to add their credit card onto autopay to avoid this in the future OR to ensure they login and pay their tuition before arriving. 

5. Remember to use the strategies we practiced. 


When are assessment weeks?

Week 2 for the big pool

Week 3 for the little pool


Quick! There's an emergency and you might have to close the centre! Who should you contact first? Second? Third?

1. Brooke Morrow or Manager on Duty

2. Hugues Boisvert - The owner

3. Zenith or PoolWorks (if necessary)


What is the KidsCanSwim leaning guarantee?

If a swimmer has not levelled after attending 20 lessons, without a break in enrollment, and have achieved a 90% attendance or more, their swimming lessons are free until they pass that level


What is Guest Experience and how will you make sure it happens at KCS?

Guest experience goes beyond customer service (which is typically reactive) and focuses on predicting and fulfilling a customers need before they've expressed it. Ultimately, it's about a feeling - like FarmBoy vs. Food Basics OR Tim Hortons vs. Starbucks.

Some ways you can make this happen include:

- Remembering kids and parents names upon arrival, get to know your guests!

- Being enthusiastic about levels being passed and handing out stickers

- Ensuring the lobby is spotless

- Being knowledgeable about KCS programming and how to find answers to questions

- Providing lane and AE information before they ask (especially for makeups)


It is almost the end of the day. A guest has finished their lesson and tells you that they are very unhappy with their instructor, and would like to speak with the centre manager immediately. The centre manager has gone home already. What should you do?

1. Listen to and acknowledge the parent's concern

2. Get the facts about the situation and write them down

3. Escalate the concern to the appropriate parties by (1) putting it in the shift report, (2) emailing the centre manager directly, and (3) adding it to Basecamp under "FD Daily Parent Follow Up"


What makes our program different from traditional lessons?

Pre-made lesson plans, systemized progression, repetition and only 3 skills per level. 


Why is it important to highlight icons on the master roll sheet for the day? (E.g. new swimmers, unpaid balances, etc.)

We highlight icons on the master roll sheet to ensure that we address everything that needs to be addressed with each guest, and don't forget to do things like collect payment, give booklets or birthday cards, etc.


What is the makeup token policy? Think, how long makeup tokens are valid for, and how many makeup tokens guests can receive in one month.

Makeup tokens are automatically issued following a missed class. Makeup tokens are valid for 60 days. Guests are only issued 1 makeup token per month, no exceptions and do not replace tuition. 

Guests can only use makeup tokens while actively swimming. 
