This is Han Solo's ship
What is the millennium falcon?
What is the most selling manga?
One Piece
Which Infinity Stone does Vision have embedded into his forehead?
Mind Stone
Who created Mickey Mouse?
Walt Disney
Who is Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar?
Cardi B
What color is Mace Windu's lightsaber?
How do you a Naruto run?
Head forward and Arms back
Black Widow made her first appearance in the MCU in which movie?
Iron Man 2
Who is Sleeping Beauty's prince?
Prince Philip
She is the oldest Kardashian sister.
Who is Kourtney Kardashian?
What is the first Star Wars film in which Yoda is completely computer-generated?
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
How many DBZ shows/series are there?
How many years was Steve Rogers (Captain America) frozen?
Who is the youngest princess?
Snow White
He is Dunder Mifflin's regional manager in Scranton.
Who is Michael Scott?
How many Star Wars movies are there? Including the stand alone movies
How many people have had the "All for One" power?
9 people
Who is Peter Parker's best friend in Spider-Man: Homecoming?
Who are the only two princesses who live in America?
Pocahontas and Princess Tiana
The kids are okay because they are listening to _____.
What is KidzBop?
What planet is Luke Skywalker from?
What country does Anime originate from?
What is the name of the agreement the Avengers are forced to sign in Captain America: Civil War?
Sokovia Accords
What is the dog in Cinderella named?
He came back at it with the white vans.
Who is Daniel?