The Old Testament was originally written in what language?
There are _____ books in the entire Bible
Name the 1st impulse we discussed when reading the Bible.
Reading thinking we have to understand it all on our own.
What was the acronym we discussed when reading the Bible?
The New Testament was originally written in what language?
There are _____ books in the Old Testament
Name the 2nd impulse we discussed when reading the Bible. (Hint: Not necessarily a bad impulse)
We tend to read devotionally.
O: Observation
God used human authors to communicate His words.
There are _____ books in the New Testament
Name the 1st alternative when reading the Bible.
We should ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word to us.
What is the second letter and meaning of the acronym?
I: Interpretation
The Bible is infallible, meaning...
It is completely true and trustworthy
Name 4 different categories of books of the Bible
Gospels, Wisdom, Law, OT History, NT History, Major and Minor Prophets, Letters, etc.
Name the 2nd alternative when reading the Bible.
Read to get an overview.
What is the third letter and meaning of the acronym?
A: Application
Name 4 different Bible translations
Why are these 4 books considered the Gospels? Name the 4 books and the reasoning.
They share the good news of Jesus: that he came and died for our sins so that we could have salvation and new life in Him.
What is illumination?
When the Holy Spirit reveals things to us as we read.
Which biblical story did we read to practice the acronym? What was the main point of that story?
The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42.
Mary picked the better thing: not getting distracted and focusing on the Lord.