What is Sophie's human last name?
When does Keefe find out his mom is with the Neverseen?
(Hint- It is on a mountain)
The battle of Mount Everest
Why is Fitz angry when Alden's mind breaks?
Because he thinks Sophie had something to do with it.
What Happened to Biana in NightFall?
Hint- It deals with mirrors
She was thrown into a mirror by Vespera and was cut by all the shards or glass.
What happened To Sophie in the first book?
Hint- It dealt with the Neverseen and Dex
She was kidnapped
Who was Sophie's first Elvin Friend?
Fitz Vacker
What is Keefe's last name?
Does Fitz introduce Sophie to the Lost Cities?
Why does Biana become friends with Sophie?
To understand how she threw Fitz and herself into a wall during a splotching champion-ship.
How did Jolie Ruen die?
(Hint- it deals with an element)
House Fire
What is Sophie's first ability?
Who is Keefe's mom?
Lady Gilsia
What does Fitz do when Sophie has to go to The Lost cities permanently?
Gives her Ella (Bright blue stuffed elephant).
What is Biana's last name?
How where Sophie and Dex hurt?
(Hint- first book)
The were burned while being kidnapped.
What is Sophie's best friends name?
Dex Dizznee
What is Keefe's dads name?
Lord Cassius
Where does Fitz LIVE?
(Hint- Evergleen, HavenField, or CandleShade)
Where does Biana live?
Hint- Fitz lives there too
How did Fitz find Sophie?
(Hint- It deals with dinosaurs in a museum)
In a museum with a 12th grade class
Who is Sophie in the story?
(Hint- Main Character, or side character?)
Main Character
Keefe is a great artist, what did he make for Sophie?
Who is Fitz's Best friend?
(Keefe, Dex, or Tam)
Who was Biana's first best friend before Sophie?
Hint- her name starts with an M
NeverSeen's leader?
(Hint- It deals with Keefe)
Lady Gilsia