Differentiated Instruction
Laws and Regulations
Evaluating progress
Wild Card
Differentiating content, process, product, affect, and learning environment
What is Differentiated Instruction?
An individually based principle that calls for schools to educate students with disabilities as much as possible with their peers who do not have disabilities
What is Least Restrictive Environment?
A technology-administered exam that is structured so that the difficulty of each question depends on how the student performed on the prior question
What is Adapted testing?
A set of coordinated activities to improve students' academic and functional achievement and to address postsecondary goals in the areas of training, education, employment, community participation, and, where appropriate, independent living skills.
What is Transition services?
A mnemonic device that fosters memory
What is Acronym?
Working collaboratively with their peers to achieve a shared academic goal rather than competing against or working separately from other classmates
What is Cooperative learning
Mandates that a free and appropriate education be provided to all students with disabilities regardless of the nature or severity.
What is IDEA
Grading system that involve reporting on students' mastery within the curriculum
What is criterion-referenced grading systems?
Programs where students are placed in community-based settings that offer them opportunities to learn a range of functional skills, including community related skills, vocational skills, domestic skills, and functional academic skills
What is community-based learning programs?
An instructional approach to teaching reading that is based on using students' natural language and experiences to foster their literacy.
What is whole language approach?
a process for planning units of instruction and individual lessons by which you first determine the assessments you will use to evaluate your students' learning.
What is backward design?
Individuals who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, have a record of an impairment, and are regarded as having such impairment by others qualify for services under this.
What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
A progress monitoring strategy that provides individualized, brief, direct and repeated measures of students' proficiency and progress across the curriculum
What is curriculum-based assessment?
Programs designed to help immigrant students adjust that offer students academic and support services to help them make the transition to and succeed in general education classrooms.
What is Newcomer programs?
Refers to physical, sensory and more significant disabilities that make up a small percentage of the disabilities experienced by students
What is low-incidence disabilities?
A type of cooperative learning arrangement that involves randomly dividing the class into two groups and setting up tutoring like dyads within both groups
What is Classwide peer tutoring?
An appropriate education in terms of its comparability to the education offered to students without disabilities
What is FAPE?
A type of assessment that involves teachers, students, and family member working together to create a continuous and purposeful collection of carious authentic student products across a range of content areas throughout the school year that show progression
What is Portfolio Assessment?
A technique used to prepare students for the academic, behavioral, and social expectations of a new classroom that involves introducing them to the curriculum, teaching style, and instructional format they will encounter in the new class.
What is Preteaching?
A statement or an enjoyable activity that introduces the material in a lesson and motivates students to learn it by relating the goals of the lesson to their prior knowledge, interests, strengths, and future life events.
What is an anticipatory set?
-Provide access to an individualized, personalized, and multicultural curriculum, and tailor learning goals to big ideas and critical learning outcomes. -Consider acceptability -Use flexible groupings and classroom management strategies and designs -Use instructional technology and assistive technology -Provide personal support and learning strategies instruction -Use universally designed culturally relevant curricular, teaching, and text-comprehensions accommodations -Use universally designed multicultural, readable and legible instructional materials -Address students' varied learning preferences, sensory abilities and cultural and linguistic backgrounds -Use backward design, and determine a range of formative and summative assessments
What are differentiated instruction practices?
Students with disabilities who are also gifted and talented.
What is Twice exceptional students?
The use of assessments at the end of instruction to assess student mastery of specific content, topics, and concepts and skills taught to communicate this information to others.
What is summative assessment?
A four-step model for preparing students to transition to inclusive classrooms
What is transenvironmental programming?
Techniques for breaking down comments that students do not understand or a task that students have difficulty performing into smaller components that promote understanding or mastery.
What is scaffolding?