my favorite color
sage green
what boba did i order today
diffusion of water through a semi permeable membrane
my favorite brand of tea
what model phone I have
Iphone 16
school mascot
what color sweatpants was i wearing
navy blue
the top of the wave
character that i used to think that lived in my stomach when iwas a kid
winnie the pooh
name of peak that can be seen from campus
Pikes Peak
my favorite ariana grande song
we cant be friends
what principle dictates how a reaction in equilibrium moves
le chatliers principle
what day did i arrive in america
dec 25, 2013
my irrational fear
ratio of trees to students in campus
2 trees to one student
the design of my ring finger of my right hand
leopard print
equation used to find activation energy
Arrhenius equation
year of high school i got my wisdom teeth taken out
junior year
my favorite album ever and who is it by
eternal sunshine by ariana grande
modern name of cult near baca campus (from crestone)
5D full dimension
name of the cashier from benjamins (dining hall spot in my campus)
type of acid that goes through multiple deprotonations
polyprotic acids
JHU, UPENN, yale, brown, BU, northwestern, emory, colgate, colorado college, tufts, princeton