Nina ist _____ Jahre alt.
Was ist 16?
Leo borrows this from his dad.
What is a car?
This is the color Anne thinks Nina should wear on her date.
What is black?
Leo and Nina's first date was on this day of the week.
What is Saturday?
Leo describes Nina to his father as this.
What is green hair, a full beard, and extremely tall?
Nina borrows this from her mom.
What is a black pullover?
Leo uses this to find Nina's phone number.
What is a phone book?
This is the reason Anne yells at Nina in the first episode.
Leo and Nina go here on their first date.
What is the movies?
This is the name of the old lady Leo talks to on the phone.
What is Lina Hansen?
Nina buys this for Leo at the pool.
What is an ice cream?
Leo works as a ____________.
What is a nurse?
Anne ist _______ Jahre alt.
Was ist 10?
What is 8 o'clock?
This is the city that Nina and Leo live in.
What is Hamburg?
Nina tells her teacher that she was late to school because of this.
What is an accident?
Leo ist __________ Jahre alt.
Was ist 19?
Anne thinks that Nina and Leo should go here on their date.
What is the movies?
This is how Leo would have preferred to go home after his first date with Nina.
What is walking?
Nina's mother is named this.
Nina sings this song.
What is Just Like Paradise?
Leo has this many roomates.
Anne plays this instrument.
What is the saxophone?
This is what Nina thought of the movie.
What is boring?
This is the city Nina's dad lives in.