what family member taught Keith haring how to draw?
his dad
what were his drawings in the subway called?
subway drawings
what art movement was Keith Haring apart of?
pop art
what famous singer was Keith Haring friends with?
what is his store called?
pop shop
what state was Keith Haring born in?
where did he move after dropping out of college?
new york
what type of colors did Keith Haring use most often?
bright or bold
what was Keith Haring arrested for?
subway drawings
what piece of artwork was his symbol?
the baby
what cartoons inspired Keith Haring as a child?
Disney and dr.seuss
how many semesters did he go to the ivy school of commercial arts for before dropping out?
what mediums did Keith Haring use most often in his artwork?
spray paint and paint
what did the paper that inspired him say on the back?
Jesus is a monkey
what is one of keith haring most famous paintings
crack is wack, radiant baby, free south Africa
when is Keith Harings birthday?
may 4th
what did Keith Haring call the subway?
his laboratory
what type of lines did Keith Haring use most often?
straight thick lines /simple lines
what did the paper that inspired him say on the front?
god is a dog
how did Keith Haring want his art to look
young and bright