Define Motivation
The explanation or motives behind a person's actions or behavior.
How many levels are there in the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs?
Shared Leadership
Individuals lead together to achieve goals
What is an organizational structure?
The way work is organized and coordinated
What is Extrinsic Motivation?
Extrinsic motivation is the tangible and external rewards that drive someone to do a task, such as Bonuses, Punishments, and Benefits
Name all of the Maslow's Hierarchy of needs theories from bottom to top.
Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization.
Distributed Leadership
Leadership is shared among different groups
Describe divisional departmentalization
Organizes work and people by products and services
What is Intrinsic Motivation?
Intrinsic motivation is the intangible, positive feelings of satisfaction and contentment that one experiences as a result of good performance.
What is Alderfers EGR Theory?
More than one of the needs may be active at the same time.
When multiple individuals share leadership and decision-making
What is the difference between tall and flat organizations
Tall: multiple layers of authority
Flat: One top manager
What are the three components of Motivation?
Direction, Level(intensity), and Persistence.
Define what the Self-Actualization need is on the pyramid.
It refers to the need and desire of a person to realize his or her full potential. It is the desire to accomplish all that one can be.
Servant Leadership
When leaders prioritize team members needs and work to assist them with what the need help with
Why are core values important?
They define who you are as a company and are collections of corporate members share as a result of their joint experience
What is Kellogg's motivation and what type of motivation is it?
Kelloggs is motivated by facing challenges to help ease backlash as well as protect their sales and public image which is classified extrinsic moto.
How does Kelloggs ensure that their employees safety is fulfilled?
They encourage a healthy work-life balance through, for example, career breaks or at home working.
The difference between a boss and a leader
A boss manages people, a leader inspires people
What are the advantages of job specialization?
It is broken down and divided into smaller component parts and workers become more proficient