When was the majority of the great depression: 1920's, 1930's, or 1950's?
What is the 1930's? (Between 1929-1939)
What shape has eight sides?
What is an octagon?
What is a scientist called that studies food?
What is a nutritionist?
Which of the following does NOT belong in a natural disaster emergency kit: Water, first-aid kit, or canned soda?
What is canned soda?
Who was the first president of the United States?
Who is George Washington?
What is 355 divided by 5?
What is 71?
The leaf bug uses what physical adaption to protect itself?
What is this called: masses of rock, earth or debris (rubble or trash) move down a slope?
What is the thigh bone called?
What president ran from 2019-2017?
What angle is 90 degrees?
Which was once a planet, but is now renamed a dwarf planet?
What is Pluto?
What type of natural disaster is the following: shaking, rolling or sudden shock of the earth’s surface?
What is an earthquake?
What bone is a stack of little bones called vertebrae along the center of your back?
What is spine?
What were the names of the two sides in the Civil War?
What is the mode? 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11
What is 3? (Mode is the number that appears the most)
Which layer of the Earth is the thinnest?
What is the crust?
This type of natural disaster gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters.
What is the name of the dangly ball in the back of your throat?
What is an uvula?
_________ was the woman who assisted in the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Who is Sacagawea?
What is the place value of 9 in the number 9,852?
What do you create when using wires to form a pathway through which electricity can flow?
What is a circuit?
Where should you go inside your house, if there is a tornado?
What was attached to your belly button?