Definition of a big/serious problem
Situations that are dangerous and/or scary and need adult help to resolve. They can result in someone being hurt.
A friend keeps leaving you out of group work. How could you handle this? (1 correct answer)
Talk it out
You and a classmate reach for the same basketball at recess. What could you do? (4 correct answers)
Go to another game, Talk it out, Share and take turns, Make a deal
Someone takes the last red marker when you wanted it. How can you handle this? (2 correct answers)
Share and take turns, Make a deal
My role/job at this school
School Counselor
You hear a friend telling others not to play with you. Big or small problem?
You and your best friend both want to be the team captain, but there’s only one spot. How can you solve this? (1 correct answer)
Make a deal
You’re playing a game, and someone won’t follow the rules. What could you do? (4 correct answers)
Go to another game, Talk it out, Tell them to stop, Make a deal
Your friend keeps copying your answers during a math game. How can you respond? (3 correct answers)
Walk away, Talk it out, Tell them to stop
Name my kids
Garrett, Luna, Maya
Someone dares you to steal, cheat, or hurt someone else. Big or small problem?
Big - peer pressure to do something bad and/or against school rules or laws
You hear a friend telling others not to play with you. How would you talk it out?
I feel frustrated that you're telling other people they can't play with me. I am in charge of myself, and I get to decide who I want to play with. We can still be friends AND I can play with others too.
Someone keeps calling you names at recess, even after you’ve asked them to stop. What’s your next step? (3 correct answers)
Ignore it, Walk Away, Go to another game
Someone makes fun of your answer in class, and the teacher doesn’t notice. How do you respond? (2 correct answers)
Tell them to stop, Ignore it
Favorite band/musical group
Your friend suddenly stops talking to you, but you don’t know why. Big or small problem?
Small - your feelings may feel big, but it's small because no one is danger, it's not an emergency, and no one is breaking the law
Your friend suddenly stops talking to you, but you don’t know why. You decide to talk it out, what do you say?
I feel really sad because we haven't talked in a long while. I'm worried that I said or did something to offend you. Can we talk about it?
Your classmates won’t let you join their soccer game, even though there’s plenty of space. How would you problem solve this? (2 correct answers)
Go to another game, Talk it out
Your friend gets upset at you for working with someone else on a project. You choose to solve it by making a deal. What kind of deal can you make?
We'll work together on the next one, ask the teacher if you can be a group of 3
Name my pets
Tuca and Poppy are my cats, Benny is my dog
A classmate is repeatedly calling you names, pushing you, or encouraging others to exclude you. Big or small problem?
Big - repeated situations constitute bullying
A friend keeps pressuring you to join in on a prank that might get you both in trouble. You decide to talk it out, what would you say?
I am feeling uncomfortable because you are pressuring me to do something I know I shouldn't do. Positive friends don't do that, please respect my boundaries.
You see a group of students making fun of a younger kid, but they tell you to “stay out of it.” What would be the best choice?
Tell them to stop
A classmate keeps teasing you about your clothes, even after you ask them to stop. What should you try? (3 correct answers)
Talk it out, ignore it, Walk away
Favorite drink