What is Kenny's middle name?
What was Kenny's middle school mascot?
Jackson Eagles
Kenny did 1 college visit in high school - where was it?
What was Kenny's major?
What did Kenny think he was going to do before urology
Kenny's has had the same favorite athlete since elementary school - who is it?
LeBron James
Kenny played 3 sports in middle school - name all 3
Basketball, Football, Track
Kenny was in a few academic extracurriculars - what was his main extracurricular (2 acceptable answers)?
Math/ Mathlete
Other acceptable answer = literary criticism
What year did Kenny start DJing?
Freshman year - 2017
What accessory does Kenny rarely leave his apartment without?
What was Kenny's first organized sport?
When Kenny finished classwork in middle school, he and his friends played a card game. What was the name of the game?
The summer before college Kenny got his first job - where did he work?
Where did Kenny most often eat on campus?
What was the name of the venue where Kenny and his friends would host parties?
Kenny has permanent scars on his elbows that he got when he was 10 - how did he get them?
Hit by a car
Kenny typically did not eat lunch in the cafeteria - name one of the two locations he would eat in
Library OR Locker Room
Kenny did a math camp the summer before senior year in what city?
Kenny went to his first concert in college - who did he see?
Drake & Migos
Name Kenny's 3 main med school extracurriculars.
Class Council
Kenny's sweet tooth was developed at a young age, name one of his two favorite desserts.
Brownies OR Cinnamon Roll
Kenny ended up graduating high school a year early, what class in middle school did he have to skip to do that?
Who was Kenny's favorite teacher in high school?
Kenny went on his first international trip in sophomore year of college - where did he go?
South Africa
How many times did Kenny move apartments during medical school (including moving to NY)?