what does fezandipiti ex ability do
what is if one of your pokemon was knocked out last turn draw 3
name how many kirlias are played in most gardevior lists
what is 2
what stadium connects with the ability festival lead
what is festival grounds
name 1 1 of pokemon in andrew hedricks naic winning list
what is radiant gren, hands, bundle, thorns, fazzbear, cram, sableye
what card connects with the mewtwo v star galarian galary
what is charizard vstar
what does teal mask ogerpons ex ability do
what is attach a grass draw a card
how many lugia v does most lugia vstar decks play
what is 3
what is does pidgeot ex ability do
what is search for a card
name the ace spec in tord reklev's 18th place charizard at naic
what is unfair stamp
what card matches with zamazenta v from celebrations
what is zacian v
what does torterra ex first attack do
what is 30 x the number of grass pokemon in play
how many sableyes do most lost box's play
what is 1
what does radiant tsareena ability do
what is heal 20 from each of your pokemon
in stephane ivanoffe's 2nd place naic gardevior list what water type pokemon is in his deck
what is manaphy
in twilight masquerade there is a trainer alt art and a pokemon alt art (non rulebox) name either
what is perrin and growlithe
what does armarouge ex ability do
what is is if this pokemon is at full hp this pokemon takes 80 less damage from attacks
how many arvens do most charizard lists play
what is 3
what does drilburr from temporal forces ability do
what is search for three fighting energy and discard them
in alex schemanske's 21st naic list name three one of supporters
what is serena, jacq, thorton
there are 9 forest arts from the galarian gallery in the crown zenith expansion. name at least 4
what is duskull, mareep, riolu, swablu, bidoof, pikachu, turtwig, paras, poocheyena
what is the base damage of ninetales ex attack
what is 80
how many erikas ivitation does snorlax stall play
what is 1
what does iron treads ability do
what is if this pokemon has a future booster energy capsule it is now both a fightin and steel type
in ben cryer's 10th place naic list how many team star grunts did he play
what is 0
what pokemon goes along with smeargle from fusion strike?
what is meowth