What is the 1st and 2nd most prevalent religion in Kenya?
Christian and Roman Catholic
Kenya was home to one of the fastest growing economies in Africa with an annual average growth rate of around 5.9% from 2010-2018, what is their current GDP
110.3 Billion
Two thirds of people living in kenya are living in poverty, and the divide between the rich and poor is very clear, as the elite exploit labor, opportunities, and more, and women and girls are very vulnerable, with that being said what is their rank out of 156 countries in the Global Gender Gap from 2021?
95 out of 156
Kenya is currently under the control of the United Democratic Alliance Party, who is the president?
William Ruto, from September 13, 2022- present
Kenya consists of 55.1 million people. What is the most populated county in Kenya?
Nairobi, with 4,396,828 people
With who did Kenya have a violent conflict with in 1950, leading to Kenya's Independence in 1963?
Great Britain in the Mau Mau rebellion
One of the biggest sources of income for Kenya is agriculture, what percent of Kenyans are employed through agriculture?
Employs more than 40 percent of all of the population and 70 percent of the total rural population
17.3% of women have some form of secondary education, while men have 34.5%. What percent of women have seats in parliament compared to men?
Women have 3.6% of seats in parliament compared to men who hold 96.4% of the power.
Kenya is a Republic consisting of three branches, what are these three branches called?
Executive branch, bicameral parliament, and judiciary.
The largest age group in Kenya is ages 0-14, what percentage of the country is in this age group?
Around 37% of the population
Where did Kenya get its name from?
Mount Kenya, Kenya's second-tallest mountain
By what year does Kenya want to achieve its long‑term plan for attaining middle-income status as a nation?
2030 “Vision 2030”
What is Kenya's fertility rate? And life expectancy?
3.3 children per mother in 2022, life expectancy: 62 years
Kenya’s presidency term is 5 years, what are the two requirements to win the election?
Must win at least 25% of the votes in a majority of the counties and must win 50% + 1 of all votes
The labor force participation rate by gender in Kenya is almost even. What is the participation rate?
The female labor force participation rate is around 72.2%, while men's is 75.3%
How many languages are spoken in Kenya?
60 languages are spoken and there are more than 40 ethnic groups. Almost everyone there speaks more than one African language
How much money in US dollars, did tourism bring Kenya in 2023?
2.7 billion
The number of super-rich in Kenya is one of the fastest growing in the world. Fill in the blank The richest 10% of people in Kenya earned on average ____times more than the poorest 10%
The 2010 constitution ensured that no more than ⅔ of elected members of government should be the same gender. What percentage of women hold seats in the National Parliament now?
23%, a 13% increase since 2010.
The majority of Kenyan immigrants come from neighboring countries, including Somalia, DR Congo, Uganda, and South Sudan. What percent of Kenya's total population are immigrants?
As of 2020, Kenya's population consists of around 2% immigrants
Kenya and what other country do scientists believe may have been the birthplace of the first humans because the bones of one of the earliest human ancestors ever found were discovered there
Kenya and Tanzania
What percentage of 15-19 year olds are unemployed in Kenya in 2023?
10.9%, just a few short months before that, it was 22.7%
What is Kenya's poverty rate?
What year did the first woman run for president in Kenya?
1997, and received around 8% of the vote.
The total fertility rate in urban areas is 2.8%, what is the total fertility rate in rural areas?
3.9% in rural areas